Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I haven't forgotten...

I haven't forgotten that several folks asked for some insights regarding how to beat, defeat, avoid and otherwise futz with domestic systems, alarms, et cetera.  It's been rolling around in my head, and I'm looking to the right balance of information that I divulge coupled with pointing you toward resources for reading and field testing, as well as tactics.

I may even be able to give it a whirl tonight. 

When it comes to getting to your target, sometimes stealth is the answer, sometimes it is guile (never under-estimate the value of having your wife get her hair done at the same salon as the Mayor's wife...), sometimes it is bold - and sometimes you just can't get him at his hidey-hole and you need to get him in transit.

More later, don't howl if I don't actually get it done tonight.  I have chores on the table and the family begins heading west soon to meet up with BonnieGadsden's Team.  We are looking forward to the trip.

Stay safe.


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