Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How Liberty is Built

Liberty is built brick by brick.  Person by person.  Year by year.

It must be defended day by day.  Inch by inch.

Or it will be lost.

It is easier to lose than to gain.  It is always easier to destroy and complain and find fault, than to build and produce and contribute.

Decide who you are, and the role you will play.



  1. Well??? I am dying to know what brick was laid today! When will you be able to tell us what happened on your trip?

  2. I just hope Beck doesn't use any of my crappy "art" with the naughty words.


    Congrats! Very cool.

    1. I wasn't privy to the graphics scrolling behind us - but I know his team loved your Minuteman standing over the castle wall - but probably the PG version. ;)


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