Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Vulgar Curmudgeon

Holly pointed this story out to me a few days ago and I haven't had a chance to write about it.  Now I don't have to, because the Curmudgeon wrote an excellent piece.

I said immediately after Sandy Hook that the smart political play was expanding the mental health pool in order to make entire chunks of Americans "Prohibited Persons" for 2A.  And here it is, along with "Official" endorsement through the diagnostic tool used by physicians and mental health professionals. 

This is what "...working on gun control under the radar..." looks like.

So, you crave a piece of bacon?  Mentally unstable!  No 2A for you!

Stop worrying about magazine limits at the state level, folks.  This is a game changer.

Here's the link.



  1. I got a real problem with the bacon deal, man. That's just wrong.
    Just because I eat bacon at least twice a day doesn't mean I'm mentally ill. Does it?

    1. Personally, I don't think you're crazy (at least not for eating bacon) - however, many folks consider me to be nucking futs, so my approval might not get you any points. ;)



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