Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, May 18, 2013

CDC: Making your children 2A 'Prohibited Persons' in Elementary School

Shortly after Sandy Hook I made the predictions, based purely on my own political calculus, that the Enemies of Liberty would use the murders in a politically-effective manner to exponentially expand the pool of 'Prohibited Persons' by using the 'Mental Health' angle, merged with ObamaCare.  I also went out on a limb and said they wouldn't get a new AWB through Congress.

So here we are.

Pay attention to this particular quote from CDC: “This is a deliberate effort by CDC to show mental health is a health issue. [emphasis added by K] As with any health concern, the more attention we give to it, the better. It’s parents becoming aware of the facts and talking to a health-care provider about how their child is learning, behaving and playing with other kids,” said Dr. Ruth Perou, the study’s lead author.

Remember that if your little darlin's are in public school, any teacher and any school nurse has the power to label your child as mentally defective, simply by saying little Johnny stares out the window instead of reading his textbook.

Also, any physician your child visits, under ObamaCare, will be able to make the same label with nothing more than a note in the margins.

Yes, labeling kids as defective is a multi-billion dollar industry for Big Pharma.

And Yes, anti-gunners will label as many kids as possible as defective, as early as possible, so that when they are old enough to buy a firearm, they will be denied because of mental defects.

Your average citizen and your average NRA slug will have no problem "...accepting reasonable legislation that keeps weapons of war out of the hands of mentally unstable people..."

You have been warned.

Here's the link to the CDC piece.



  1. Awesome Blog! I came across your blog and I plan to put it on my links, and I hope you don't mind. I think you are doing the Lord's work, and I hope you continue and NEVER give up.
    Rufus King

  2. I think that you bring up a great point here. If you are in the system has having any mental deficiency even if mis- diagnosed who is to say you can or cannot own a fire arm. Once this information is on paper, within the health care system, you are documented.

    who is going to determine who should be able to own a firearm? What criteria is going to determine the insane, the used to be insane and who is currently going insane?

    This is a slippery slope. When will we as a country understand that bad things happen and that we cannot bubble wrap everyone and everything.

  3. This is why I own multiple weapons. Somebody else might need one some day...


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