On April 19th, 1775 roughly 75 American Patriots stood upon the Lexington Green to challenge 700 British Regulars who marched to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock, and to confiscate arms and munitions.
The Patriots were outnumbered essentially by 10:1.
The British marching their way were professional soldiers.
Do not fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.
We all know that command and the name of the man who spoke it.
We know his name because that simple command was the embodiment of the American ideals that would help shape our republic and our people. Leave us alone. Nothing more, and nothing less.
Don't start none, won't be none.
Most of us in the Liberty Movement still believe in that simple philosophy.
The men on the Green that morning represented just about .003% of the population at the time.
America needed Her Patriots, and men answered Her call despite overwhelming odds.
Lexington showed the world that a small group of determined Patriots could change the future of the world.
I look back to another moment in history to a place many consider to be the birth of Western Culture. The City-States of Greece were being marched upon by Xerxes I and were met by a much smaller force at Thermopylae, led by King Leonidas of Sparta and 300 Spartan Warriors.
History remembers them as well.
Liberty is being murdered on our watch. Western Civilization and values, born in ancient Greece, are being murdered on our watch.
Can the III Community bring together a modern 300 Patriots who will dare challenge the forces of Evil that are murdering our birthrights, can the modern III build an army of 300 Patriots who will go into Harm's Way if needed, to deny those who would be our Masters their victory? Do we have Patriots who will clear Black Panthers from voting stations? Do we have Patriots who will challenge unconstitutional acts and actors?

This unit of 300 Patriots must be willing to take action when appropriate, in an appropriate manner. This unit must not have a single keyboard commando in the ranks. This unit must not have members who will retire from their duty. Each of these 300 Patriots must believe in Liberty or Death.
300 III Patriots who have the patience, the intellect, the will to put Liberty as their foremost obligation. 300 Patriots who are not afraid to stand tall and be counted, to get in the faces of those who would be Masters.
300 Patriots spread across the republic, prepared to work individually or in small, local teams to ensure Liberty remains alive.
300 Patriots who mean never to bend knee to Tyrants.
Think about this quietly. Perhaps discuss it with your husband or wife, or a close ally in your AO. We can discuss the concept further when we meet on the 19th. Then we can share our discussions with others who are not able to be there on the 19th.
The Enemies of Liberty are moving hard and without impediment.
I believe that a special group of 300 genuine III Patriots can be our Lexington, our Thermopylae, that special place in time and space where Liberty is secured and Tyranny pushed back.
Think about it.
Oh, I have been thinking. A lot.
ReplyDeleteIf I had my health back and not depend on a wheelchair to travel in distance, I would be thinking very seriously about this honor. Even though, in the condition I am in, I still pledge to fight. I will fight as long as I can crawl. Our freedom is more important than my pain.
ReplyDeleteI called it an honor because someone has to lead this battle and if 300 Patriots can prove a point to the fence sitting Patriots just how important this is perhaps the rest will follow. I would be honored to dedicate my actions and life to the 300.out
What about the rest of you that have said you would fight in your posts? Would you answer to the situation and rise to what Kerodin asks?
God, I pray He would give me my legs back.
Papa Mike
I've posted here a few times before & we've discussed a thing or two. As I stated, if Gulf Coast Citadel II needs help let me know. I am in the process of relocating rural in the next 30 days... No illusions, they know who I am. At least I'll have a nice open field of fire.
ReplyDeleteI know. KNOW that my disabled two year old will perish in the coming conflict. I work THREE jobs so the fucking parasites can have EBT, Medicaid, Medicare, TANF, Obamacare, "They" cut him off you know. Because I WORK too many hours at MULTIPLE minimun wage jobs, married, White etc.
I'm damn near ready.
Lex in MS
I can only hope that for whatever events you have in mind for the 19th in Kings Mountain you have put in place enough security protacols to if not weed out, identify the FBIor other agency moles that will no doubt be there.