Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, April 29, 2013

Dallas Fed Implodes

David has a link to a piece about the Dallas Fed - it was not merely a miss, it was like me trying to kill a man at a mile distance with a spitball.  That's not a miss, that is a FAIL.

And copper is up - despite mine closings.

You cannot trust any financial indicator today, folks.

Every single facet of the financials is rigged and manipulated.

Here's the link.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you posted this, dissapointed that no one wants to comment on it though. Boring as it may be, the best place to look for a heads up on when the shit is really going to hit the fan is going to be found in the financial news. Avoid the MSM/network eggheads, economic illiterates, all of them.There are good sources of news by people who aren't carrying the water for one party or the other, for a good place to start try "Zero Hedge" (google it) and read it every day.


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