Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Just for the record - Mark D. Firestone (Firestone Fine Carpentry) proved his cowardice by failing to show at King's Mountain to recite his verbal filth to my face.

Tino is a coward - he promised to be at King's Mountain, eager to give me a free lesson in Krav Maga. 

Razor is a coward - no show, and refuses to share his real name.  I was really hoping to meet this misogynistic garbage for what he said about one of our female bloggers of whom I am fond.

All of you should do the gene pool a favor and eat a bullet.




  1. Did you expect any different, Sam?

    1. No, I can't honestly say I did.

      But I hoped.

      And I never forget, so the time will come.


  2. Blowhard pussy trolls is all they are. All I got to say to them is Karma is a bitch. And I will help her out whenever possible...

  3. Thank you, Sam. I have met more True Men, like you and wirecutter, and that gives me hope. As for the others, meh, time and energy wasted waiting for someone like that to take a stand in person. They'll always attack from the rear or swing at you from the shadows.

  4. Karma has already struck their pathetic lives. Just think. I don't even know those turds and i'm laughing. LOL. Sucks to be a coward.

    Ne Desit Virtus III


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