Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

And I'm not necessarily ruling out Option 1...

Found this over at Rich T's place, here.

...and yes, yes I do consider Marxism the absolute in stupidity.

Stupidity and Evil are not mutually exclusive, and we should try to breed out as much of those characteristics as possible from our children.  Don't breed with a stupid person, not matter how hot he or she may be.  Looks fade.  Stupid is forever.



  1. "...and yes, yes I do consider Marxism the absolute in stupidity."

    Hmmm, I beg to differ as I see islam
    as getting that award, but that is
    just me.

    Collectivisim is evil in all it's
    forms...some like islam float right
    to the top.

    Yours In Liberty!
    Northgunner III

  2. If we are always on defense we will lose....


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