If Patriots are the physical manifestation of Rightful Liberty, it becomes our Obligation to protect what we are (self defense) and to understand that we are under attack from all directions, at all times.

In the end we all fall to Death.
How we die, matters.
This blog has become an iceberg in recent weeks and months. What can be seen on your computer screen is a very small bit of the whole. And believe me, the ideals represented on this blog are under ruthless, relentless attack from every angle across the globe. You watch the news, you read other blogs in the community that do an excellent job of documenting this long train of abuses, so I do not need to recount the details. Those of you who are Founders of III Arms and applicants for the Citadel, and supporters of the Citadel, know there is a lot of activity beneath the waves.
In your own lives I hope the profile you present online is minimal compared to the preparations you are taking for your family, because we are no longer living in a paradigm where any outcome other than economic collapse is viable. Whether you believe the coming economic crash is by design or a simple byproduct of greed is no longer relevant. Whether you believe there is a conspiracy in play to make major political changes in America during the crisis is no longer relevant. Events in motion must lead to chaos, and in chaos the Law of Unintended Consequences will obtain. Vacuums will be created, and they will be filled. Challenges to the very survival of your family are imminent, regardless of why those challenges are coming. You must have food, water, shelter, meds and the means to defend it all.
When is the prime variable. Once it begins, any man or group of men who think the chaos unleashed can be controlled to a pre-determined outcome on CONUS is engaging in folly of the highest order.
The average American looks at Cyprus and thumps his chest about how there would be blood in the streets if the Banksters ever tried such blatant theft here. Yet that same American endures the same theft from every paycheck. How many men and women in America today share the revulsion of such infringements as did our Founding Generation - those who picked up rifles and spilled blood over every tax attempted by the King?
We've pondered such questions ad nauseum across Liberty Blogs in recent years.
We've all seen the posturing, the drawing of lines in the sand that are ignored and never defended.
But because there are men who mean to be your Master, the time for talk is nearly at an end. No Hearts or Minds will be won in the remaining time of calm. No election will change what is imminent. You will either be ready, or not. Even if you are ready, you may fall. All you can do is the best you can do.
Some of us have decided that the best course for us is to get off the most likely lines of attack, place our backs against the backs of other Patriots, and brace for the storm that now must come.
If you are wasting your time worrying about whether or not your Sheriff intends to enforce Ban X or Y, you are beyond my ability to help. If you give a whit one way or another about DiFi's loss in the Senate, or you are wringing your hands and worrying about a Drone policy, or which manufacturer will make the first 7 round magazine for your Mini-14, you have failed to comprehend the simple, fundamental reality: Impact is imminent.
In the very near future Man's Law will hold no sway in your zip code, be it NYC or DFW.
The Laws of Nature are about to reassert themselves.
What emerges on the other side of that period of days is simply not knowable to the minds of men.
Live or Die will be the only results of every engagement. Rules? Laws? Taxes? Permits?
Only Malum in se will guide the world of Men, at least for a while.
Man is about to be reminded of his true place in the Universe.
I hope that every move you take in these days advances your odds of survival, for if the majority of survivors are amoral or immoral, Liberty will die in the chaos.
Well Said.
ReplyDeleteNe Desit Virtus III