Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

State of the III

IIIGear: Stuff has shipped, is shipping and will ship.  The speed of the USPS seems to be different at different pipelines.  Give it time, it'll be there.

Nine months ago, or close to it, none of us had any idea about the Citadel.

Then we started chatting about it on the blog, and it caught many of you from the blindside - pleasantly.

Nine months.

III Arms: I am not as qualified as you may think to speak on behalf of III Arms.  When we all decided to start this project as a cornerstone for the Citadel, we agreed that I'd find the right person to run III Arms.  I lived up to my promise, and Jim Miller is that guy.  Even if I were able to run III Arms, Jim would be a better fit.  You'll just have to believe me.  He's got a sweet, sweet CNC being delivered to his shop and should be turning lowers and other parts in short order.

We've solutioned our barrel issue with the help of a few great Patriots.

We've rec'd a commitment from one of our Founders and an absolutely superb Patriot who intends to move this summer and begin the process to acquire his 06FFL to build ammunition that will carry the III Brand.  Yeah, I know - good luck getting components.  Look around you and what is happening just on this post - we get the job done, and we'll do the same thing with Ammo.

III Citadel: We acquired this property and scooted out of the AO with the first real snowstorm of the season on our heels, in October.  In short order that snow will melt and we will begin getting the site developed for Miller.  Well.  Power.  Building.  And much, much more. 

We have several III Patriots in this community who are intent on settling on parcels near Miller, and this is a good thing.  If you are considering a move to Idaho this year and buying a mountaintop parcel near ours, let me know sometime over the next few months, and I'll hook you up with the seller - she is an absolutely magnificent person.

We've been pretty silent on the Citadel because there are BIG possibilities in the works that may accelerate both III Arms and the Citadel - but to say more at this point would be imprudent.  Please simply continue to trust that we will do what is best for the Citadel.  It may be this opportunity, and it may not.  Our Steering Committee is up to (I think) 8 people, each of whom is an outstanding Patriot who brings professional skills and common sense to the table.

The plan at this moment is to have Miller get his shop up, running and cutting lowers, uppers, 1911 frames, and when he has the extra capacity he'll be making small pieces like triggers, hammers, grip safeties, et cetera. 

H and I will have boots on the ground in Benewah, regardless of what happens.  We will oversee site development and look the residents in the eye so they know the lies they have read in the paper are exactly that - lies and hyperbole used by media to sell ad units.  Just remember, H and I have a publishing house as well, and it may well have to become the newspaper of record for Benewah.  ;)

On our parcel it will be required, as soon as the ground permits, to do some more clearing and pad development, road development, and similar responsibilities.  We intend to have good electrical service, but most heating in those parts is done by wood, so if you are one of those people who think you have little to contribute, yet want to be in the Citadel, let us know - we'll need someone who splits and stack wood for people.

We are looking to fill up to 2 dozen households this summer, and our goal is to scout properties and begin the arduous work of clearing permits.  Women and families with kids, consider it.  If you home school that is ideal.  If you are in a position to pay a small rent/lease while launching your dream business, consider it.

If you want real Liberty, if you have what it takes to get off the couch and do something this summer along the lines of Citadel, send me a note.

Nine months.

We have birthed a Movement.  We are building on both projects in weeks.

This is serious business.  If you are a III Pioneer to Idaho: Stand and be counted!

We'll roll out more details as appropriate.



  1. Best of luck to you all. If I didn't already have my own acreage bought and paid for, oh and didn't have the wife :) I would have given it a shot. I always thought I was a woodcutter in a former life anyway.

    Anyway really, Good luck no matter what other's have to say my take on the matter is the more Patriot oriented communities out there the better.

  2. Buy the biggest log splitter you can afford. Saves your back, as well as time.

    Best of luck to you all.

  3. Amen to the log splitter, but they are NOT cheap. Of course spring is a good time to buy them.....
    Miss V


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