Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

President Obama Brilliance

I know many of you don't want to hear it, and will probably try to find a way to dispute the premise.

So be it.  The truth is the truth, and it is what it is.

Someone in the White House had an "Ah-HA!" moment regarding Gun Control and when they realized they wouldn't get a FedGov ban through Congress, and an Executive end-run would provoke a war, someone, and I am betting the President, said: "Call our states and get them to crush 2A.  It'll take them years to work it out in the courts, by which time we will have our own SCOTUS (as if that still matters), and attrition will have eroded a third of the population of the country regarding 2A."

Tell me that isn't exactly what is happening in Blue states.

Tell me it isn't working.  Not one single revolt in California, New York, Maryland, Illinois or other Blue state where they came down hardcore.

How long before confiscations begin in those states?

California already has a task force doing it - though they claim it is only for criminals and others who have been placed on "Prohibited Persons" lists.

Now think ObamaCare.  A "Prohibited Person" will soon become anyone who has ever taken a Happy Pill, been busted with pot, et cetera, and per Doctor's orders is no longer responsible enough for 2A.  Then, it'll be the Lanza excuse: "You have a Prohibited Person in the home, all 2A suspended."

Say what you will.  Them's the facts.

And it worked.

When FedGov places an order for 1.4 or 1.6 billion .223, well...



  1. 4 killed at NY shops; police search for suspect
    By MICHAEL HILL | Associated Press – 9 mins ago

    HERKIMER, N.Y. (AP) — Multiple gunshots have rung out, including some fired by state police, in an upstate New York village where police are searching for a suspect in the fatal shootings of four people.

    Things are extremely hot today in the communist dictartorship (aka New York) with the strictest gun control laws in the country.
    How can this be?
    Local 24 hour news channel, YNN, is reporting that Andy was supposedly in the area when the shootings occurred.
    Why? At the moment the "news" does not seem to know.
    However, Andy and his aides are setting up for a press conference soon to take place.
    Damn it, there are ants all over my kitchen floor! I better break out a can of Black Flag.

  2. I would say that's exactly what happened. Several of the bills were almost identical in their wording.

    On the other hand I am not so sure about your other premise. Kalifornia and Illinois do not count. New York and soon Colorado will be interesting. I don't know much about Kalifornia's rural areas but in Illinois the rural folks don't seem to pay much attention and just travel into Missouri or the other states to get what they want. I haven't heard of any rural Illinois dwellers being raided either. The Illinois Liberal/Feminist simply seem to pretend the rest of the State doesn't exist outside of Chicago and the Interstate that connect them to Springfield.

    New York hasn't stated confiscating or pressing the issue out in the rural areas yet either so it isn't fair to say what is going to happen yet.

    They can pass these laws but unless they are just going to let attrition do the work for them (not that they haven't always done it that way) nothing has really been done to enforce these laws yet.

  3. Just received "A Failure of Civility" in the mail Monday. I'm halfway through it. Excellent read.
    I think you have the right idea with the Citadel plans. Just keep some of your eggs in another basket if you know what I mean. I'd love to support a Gulf Coast initiative. We have precious little time left I'm afraid.

    Watch your 6, they are watching & listening.

  4. You're right, we all know it's the truth. And that's why I don't yell and scream and raise holy hell with every piece of garbage that comes out in the lamestream media. It doesn't matter beyond taking our attention away from preparing.

  5. Funny how the sardine can places like Pittsburgh, Erie and Filthadelphia fuck it up for the rest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We are the keystone state and based on concealed permits, NRA members and hunting license holders compared to all other states in the union, yeah they better bring some friends cause I have been out and about talking to folks and seeing where their heads are at. While looking at dust bunnies and cobwebs on the shelves, it is a blessing to meet people and strike up a conversation. I have yet to meet one that will turn in peacefully. Even if 50% stay true to their word, thats some odds I am not sure I would want to go up against.

    In Liberty,

  6. Umm...Indiana is NOT a blue state.
    That's an old map from '08 I think.
    We generally unfucked ourselves last November.
    You do the same, mister.

    1. My sincerest apologies to you Hoosiers who may be hunting my milk truck during my next passage through your RED state. ;)



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