Don't plan on bringing sweats or gis - I won't be teaching anything formal. But if you have something specific that has been niggling the back of your mind, we'll see what we can work out. Knives, 'hawks, pistols, rifles, whatever.
The III Percent Mission Statement: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will
within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson
In the absence of orders, go find something Evil and kill it!
I recently googled 'kings mountain' and got the North Carolina version....I used to deliver goods to there by Big Truck that very same route....then, yesterday, someone sez it's SOUTH Carolina....please clear up the confusion...EXACTLY where is the rally? Gps coords? Lat/Long? If I go (still deciding) I don't wanna end up in the wrong place...it's 1800 miles from here!