That question is rhetorical, of course.
But the premise is sound.
Banksters have dropped the optics and told politicians to simply take money from depositors.
A large subsection of Americans woke up recently - why do you think they cleared the shelves, from coast to coast, of all the fighting firearms, ammo and mags across the country? Why do you think a .223 round is now averaging $1 per.

And they will try it here. That is why .gov bought a billion + rounds of .40 JHPs and why DHS is putting MRAPs in suburbs.
That is why militias and others are quietly forming mutual defense alliances. That is why many people are pulling their money out of banks and putting it into metal (lead, if they are smart). That is why Patriots are stocking up on supplies to weather the coming storm that will disrupt the flow of goods and services.
Americans are preparing for war.
Some of us intend to get off the lines of attack and let the primary fighters wear each other down.
Idaho looks good.
The Citadel looks better.
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