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2nd Drone Spotted Over NYC?
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DHS is putting armor on the streets in your neighborhoods. They are buying JHPs and associated gear that makes it nearly impossible for you to buy the same gear at retail. Bad People have inflated the financial markets to a bubble of a magnitude never seen before, and with no room in the system to absorb the coming "correction." They shoot at targets of pregnant women in their homes. Mens Rea is dead. Drones overhead. Stop & Frisk. They think the Constitution and your Natural Rights are jokes.
Look folks, if you can't see it by now, I can't help you.
If you do see it, you need to be making moves, right now. I would personally suggest you stop wasting time with trying to win any Hearts & Minds, because you are talking either to dead people, future snitches, or future camp guards.
A significant number of people fleshed out an idea for getting off the line of attack several months ago, surrounding ourselves with like-minded people, and preparing for whatever storms may be headed our way. It has become known as the Citadel Movement.
We've made hard advances on these projects, including III Arms and the Beachhead.
A select group of us are going to the Beachhead in coming weeks. From there we will do the work required to get us to the full Citadel, as we have all discussed. I promised you all when we started this project that I get projects done - and there is a serious group of people who have joined together who are getting this project done, right now. This is not something in the "...thinking stages..." or something we'll continue to hash-out over the coming months or years.
It is happening now.
When this last bubble bursts, where will you be?
I would strongly suggest you unfuck yourself. Right now.
The best way to avoid a punch or a bullet in your head: Do not be there.
Stalinist commies will kill you if they get close enough.
ReplyDeleteKeep the good stuff, burn the rest.
I still say we need, all of us, read the book "Brigade" by Covington, It's extreme pay backs but when they don't listen, what's left.
ReplyDeletePapa Mike