Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

...and there are no bank runs...

The post below this one speaks about the EU Official who has publicly told Spanish and Italian Citizens their deposits will be confiscated, if needed, to save the EU.

I've been watching, and what I do not see is a single bank run in either country.

They are much closer to Cyprus, they are directly in the line of fire, and yet no headlines from either country about people getting out of the banks in their countries.

I can understand the "...it can't happen here..." cognitive dissonance of Americans watching Cypriots being raped in realtime by Banksters, but Italians and Spaniards are on the immediate hit list, and I'm not seeing a defensive move by the citizenry.

I can only conclude that a great majority of those who will perish in the first Big Die-Off will have very silly and shocked expressions on their faces as they die, because they simply refuse to connect the dots, right up to the moment of impact.

Good for the gene pool, bad for the psyche.

I hope all of you have taken your defensive positions already, because there will be little warning when it happens here.



  1. There will be no warning here, except for a few super-elites. There can't be, because it would defeat the purpose.

    It's worth noting too that what's going on in Cyprus is not really the "rape." The rape occurred over time, as it has everywhere, when the production of a few was looted for the comfort of others. To carry the analogy, this is just dealing with the consequences of the rape.

    Americans would do well to understand this---the rape is in the rear-view mirror already, though I guess you could say that the rapist is still in the room. So far, the best response most Americans have is to flatly deny it..."No, I wasn't raped."

    Uh, yes you were. Keep denying it and it'll just keep happening, over and over again.

  2. This rape analogy, though offensive on it's face, is profoundly accurate - we've been raped by the devil(s). The pregnancy has been fraught with difficulties, and by patent denial by those who stand to benefit. The recent failures of banks and governments are the "birth pangs", growing stronger and more frequent, to an obvious result.

    The result will be the birth of a New World Order of demonic origin, with an appetite for destruction, the likes of which the world has never seen... Better have your preps in order and have made your Peace, because what we are about to face is incomparable to anything in the entire hsitory of man... "but he who stands firm to the end shall be saved"


  3. Hate to laugh at the misfortune of others, BUT some folks deserve it.

    "I can only conclude that a great majority of those who will perish in the first Big Die-Off will have very silly and shocked expressions on their faces as they die, because they simply refuse to connect the dots, right up to the moment of impact." <-- THIS.


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