Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

.40 Answer #1

Remember my post below - why .40s?

The opening paragraph about the California Team tasked with door-to-door confiscations carry Glock .40s.

Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying 40-caliber Glock pistols, nine California Justice Department agents assembled outside a ranch-style house in a suburb east of Los Angeles. They were looking for a gun owner who’d recently spent two days in a mental hospital.

And why were these guns being confiscated?  Why was this entire household being stripped of 2A?

Because one member spent 2 days in a Mental House.

How long before your kid with ADD is sufficient reason to strip your home of 2A?

Oh, that'll never happen...

You are living in a moment of History that will be in the books for many, many generations to come.

How will the story end?

Beats me - you are helping to write it...

Here's the piece.



  1. Your link is missing.

  2. I look at that stack & think of the hundreds of thousands of surplus 30.06 AP rounds floating around out there that have been sold by the CMP over the last five years.


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