Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Where Armalite stands...

...here's the post.

My position: If you are a seller of weapons or ammunition to members of the State who deny their Citizens the same weapons, your firm deserves to fail.  Every person earning a paycheck at such a firm is doing so at the expense of the oppressed Countrymen being denied the tools for self defense against the State.

That's simply not cool.

I rec'd an email advising me that FedGov has just issued an RFP for "...7,000 short-barreled LMGs..."

Now, 7,000 could be nothing more than a routine rotation of inventory - or not.  Either way, the company that fills that order is complicit in arming those who would be Masters.

Use the information as you will.



  1. So let me get this straight.. In the hands of DHS they are "PDW's"... In the hands of civvies they are an "assault weapon".. Didn't Uncle Sugar go on record and say that the AR15 is not ideal for home defense? Clear as mud, I know. Doublespeak is alive and doing quite well for those that don't habla..

  2. That's the problem I have with the companies that are boycotting: Most of them are doing so only on the state level.

    If you're still selling to the Feds, you're doing it wrong.


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