Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Truckers: Hunting Permit

Professional big rig truckers: You hereby have my endorsement to hunt stupid drivers in their natural habitat - or wherever you find the bastards - and you have an unlimited bag limit.

No paperwork.

Run 'em in a ditch, or add a MadMax bumper, or simply drive them into a ditch at any point of interaction.

You have my permission.  In fact, if you catch a case and land in a Low or Camp, I'll lead an extraction.  I can't promise I have the energy this week to pull you out of a SuperMax.

It is time to cull the herd of stupid people, and stupid drivers are as good as any place to start.

Drive right, Pass left.  What's so freakin' hard?



  1. California would drive you mad, Sam.

  2. my Dad was a career truck driver(wherein he actually died) and often came home declaring he wished he could install a heavy-duty plow or 19th century train steam engine "cow catcher" on his truck...

    50 yrs ago one of the national pastimes was to take a Sunday afternoon drive - but not so with our home... LOL

  3. K,

    I drive a "married man mobile" (a.k.a. a mini-van). Can you issue me one of those permits as well? Just wondering because we certainly have our share of Prius driving highway nazis down here who apparently think that it is their job to control the speed limit. I have a theory; I believe that they are all trying to relive their "glory days" as an elementary school hall monitor. :-)

    Alan S. Pedersen
    Fort Mill, SC

  4. K, I see it every day of the week! (stupid "four wheelers", and stupid "Super Truckers").
    Yesterday on the ice was classic stupidity in motion......
    Truckers and four wheelers (parking) their rigs and cars in every imaginable way. Backwards, sideways, upside down, and Jack knifed.
    Stupid goes both ways out here unfortunately!

  5. Ha! You musta driven through the Buckeye state recently. Gawd damn I hate Ohio for any number of reasons.

    Believe me, brother, I have said for years that my "last day" of driving the big rigs I will leave a swath of fire, carnage, and destruction a mile wide and 250 miles long.

    The black smoke will be seen from space.

    It will be epic! ;)


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