The III Percent Mission Statement: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will
within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson
In the absence of orders, go find something Evil and kill it!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Self Defense is always the "Moral High Ground"
The former chief has good reason to be concerned about Dorner's location: In the package Dorner purportedly sent to CNN was a ceremonial coin with Bratton's name on it and three bullet holes — a discovery Bratton called "chilling."
Police continue to guard at least 40 people mentioned in the anger-filled manifesto.
Miller speculated that the burning of Dorner's pickup showed potential for calculated "pre-staging" and "planning." If this is premeditated staging, he said, "It makes you wonder: What is his plan for the end game?"
There is a city filled with puckered LEO assholes right now. Hello LAPD!
The worm turns, as my uncle used to say.
Forget the politics and ideology. Focus on the facts. One man with skills reached his personal limit and stepped off the porch. He established his Friend or Foe list, and went to work. His "manifesto" is as much a PsyOp device as an explanation. How many LAPD LEO do you think are seriously concerned about hearing the radio crack and learn that their house has burned to the ground, or worse? How many of the uniforms assigned to protect the 40 or so named targets in the "manifesto" are really happy for that detail? Consider trying to count the dollars the city is paying right now, all because of the actions of one man.
Self defense is not limited to the punch currently headed at your nose. It extends to the punch that is intent, one day, at coming at your nose. If you know someone intends to hit you, hit him firstest, with the mostest, preferably from ambush. Forget all that silliness of "Honorable Duels". There is a time and place for ritualized combat, make no mistake - but those times are rare in the real world. When someone intends to take you out, hit that S.O.B. with a Chevy. In the back. At night. In overdrive and accelerating. Then reverse over the meatbag. Twice.
Each of us draws the line as we see fit. When do we take a threat, or actions intended to injure, seriously enough that we gear-up and go hunting? In your life, that's your call.
Example: Tino, MBV, Firestone, King and several others have taken direct, persistent, dishonest actions against me on several occasions, utilizing various methods, all with the intent of doing me personal injury. When I assessed each one of them, learned the details of each one in real life (age, health, background, financial situation, etc), I assessed my physical security and that of my family. None of them have ever been stupid enough to show up and threaten me physically, and I have determined that none of them ever will, except, perhaps, from rifle range. I've made a time and place known to the world if anyone would like to try - King's Mountain, April 19th. So far, no takers, just more bluster. (If any of them ever publish a "manifesto" I'll pay attention, and wear clean socks for a few days. ;)
Then I had to assess the ability each brought to the fight (make no mistake, anyone who is attempting to take bread from your table is attacking you with intent to do physical injury - it is a fight) to injure my ability to feed my family. In each case they are incapable. While they were all able to run off at the keyboard, none have found a single person who claimed (much less verified) they were "cheated/scammed" in any of my business dealings. They were unable to get a single LEO or prosecutor or US Attorney to validate their lies. All they did was drive more interested Patriots to the projects. Since my income is unrelated to III Projects - the threat assessment is that they can do no damage to putting food on the table.
My lines for leaving the porch to do a piece of work have not been crossed. Who knows, maybe they'll try harder and one day succeed. ;)
Society gives people essentially three avenues of redress when one is physically threatened, either up close and personal with direct violence, or with economic harm, the inability to buy bread for the family: Ignore it (not really in my DNA), go to court (I hate court, but have found it can be a suitable tool when handing out a good beating isn't a viable option), or physical defense. Sadly "Society" doesn't condone physical response (anymore) for attempts to injure a reputation or to make one unemployable - this is where you may, one day, have to put your personal interests ahead of what opinion "Society" may have of you, and step off the porch.
Dorner stepped off the porch because people took his reputation and they injured his ability to earn a paycheck. He may also be genuinely morally indignant about the abuses of LAPD LEO - and I think most people reading this blog have no problem at all believing Dorner's accusations against LAPD LEO.
Self defense.
Remember why horse thieves were hanged in the old West - because leaving a man without a horse was often a death sentence of its own. Hanging horse thieves - self defense.
Burning down the mansion of Thomas Hutchinson in 1765 was self defense.
This fight in which we are all now engaged, this fight for Liberty, is pure self defense.
When fighting for your life, there are no rules. The only options are Life or Not Life. Do what you have to do. Let me repeat myself: There are no rules in self defense. You are innately permitted, indeed obligated, to defend your life, your family, and that extends to the ability to defend and feed them. You need not ask for anyone's permission or approval. Your Creator gave you those Rights when He put you here. Do not offend Him by failing to defend the life He gave to you.
Self Defense is always the "Moral High Ground".
Side note: One thing I have not seen is a single person stepping off the porch, in Los Angeles or elsewhere, just because Dorner chose to do so. Not one gang-banger or Patriot has invoked the Enemy of my Enemy philosophy to capitalize on circumstances on the ground. If you step off the porch, don't expect anyone to follow, until it is in their personal self-interest to follow.
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That last side note of yours stood out to me as well. Besides whatever, if any, allies and assets he put in place before acting, Dorner appears completely alone with only LAPD ineptness helping him out. Nobody else took this as a go sign to pile in.
And I'm not sure if the "power" of the LAPD, the reputation, the "facade of dominance" is keeping people on the sidelines, or if people simply aren't ready for this fight.
DeleteDroneboy is correct - the higher the body count of citizens, the more likely some hard gang types are to start hunting. Also, with every hour Dorner stays out there, with every person he takes out, the "facade of dominance" gets more and more damaged. It won't take long for folks to realize that most of the "power" of LAPD and .Gov in general is perception rather than reality.
Well, if they keep shooting up the "peasantry" that time might not be too far off
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure these bad shoots will kick anything off. Sure, it pisses folks off but these days it's the equivalent of winning the lottery once the lawsuits start.
Haha! Yeah....IF one survives,..
DeleteImagine how freaked they're gonna get if this guy scratches a couple more names off his list...
To the potty mouth who doesn't see his comment - sign it, I'll post it.
Hi Mark - I knew it was you, that's why.
DeleteStill can't go 24 hours without your blood pressure pegging the meter with thoughts of me? Still can't get me out of your head?
You know, that's really unhealthy for a man, especially a "man" with as many life-issues that you have as baggage.
Remember, April 19th. King's Mountain. You'll have the chance to say anything you want, to my face. Need me to send you gas money?
My understanding is there may be media there. So dress properly for the most embarassing moments of your life.
Here's an exercise for you: See if my name can stay out of all the mouths in your trailer for just one day. Then take the next step and see if you can all keep me out of your thoughts for 24 hours.
Good luck with that.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Mark D. Firestone (Firestone Fine Carpentry) is the pottymouth who is the other side of this discussion that you can't see, because he is an impolite, sad little person.
I'm not posting his "comments" because, well, it's my blog, he's a pottymouth, he's not on topic, it drives him nucking futs when he realizes how insignificant he is that he can't even get a comment made public, and - did I mention it's my blog? ;)
The cops have to beat and kill citizens regularly to keep up the fear factor. they will only up the count as time goes on.
ReplyDeleteNo Droneboy, that's the best part. Even if the unfortunate dies the family goes to the bank. Winner no matter what...
Well, that's one way of looking at it....I guess...