Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rape Safety

Neary a decade ago I put together a hardcore curriculum of self defense techniques designed for women - the name of the program was Rape Safety (at RapeSafety.com - imagine that.)  It is a serious, no-nonsense, brutal collection of techniques.  Seventeen in total.  It was designed to teach in a short time frame.  The course is not cheap - afterall, I live in a very affluent area.

Given that so many people are digging into my past and making the name relevant again, I figured - what the heck, I'll start offering the program again.

I won't be charging III families, but I simply don't have time to travel to teach.  But at III events I'll make sure if anyone wants to begin studying a few techniques, we'll find some time to work in a few. 

But make no mistake - 6 months of Krav is what you need.

I'll get the RapeSafety website back up and running sooner or later, it's not like I have time to take on many local students.  But we may as well re-build the Brand.  It may come in useful one day, again.


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