Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Liberty or Death - there is no middle ground

CA has a link to an article that contends the current anti-2A push by the Marxists has backfired, and the writer of the column is dead-on in many of his observations.  The fact that the President felt the political need to do a photo op with a shotgun is proof of the political hit he has taken.  Think of Saturday morning cartoons and the exploding cigar.

CA also prudently cautions everyone not to lower your guard - the Bad People will never, ever quit.  They may delay, or change tactics, but they will never, ever give up.  And he is dead-on accurate, too.

I made the point in the post below and it bears repeating: A group of Americans purchased every firearm and round of ammo and magazine designed for fighting that could be found in the entire flippin' country - in about 30 days.

And every manufacturer out there is backordered until who-the-hell-knows-when.  Even peripheral "gun stuff" is out of stock.  Can you find any .308 brass to reload?  Can you find a major reloading company that has reloaders in stock?  Good luck finding powder.  When you do find stuff, how is the price compared to what it was 90 days ago? 

The average 2A American is also aware why .Gov is placing so many orders for ammunition.  Either they have a plan and intend to use that ammo, or they are simply starving the retail market as a political anti-2A tactic.  Either way, Americans don't like where that puts them in the food chain.

Here is a simple reality, folks: Life in America is now forever changed from what you knew.

There is only one way this ends.

Liberty or Death.

Americans have been here before.

Are you going to measure up to the original III when the time comes?



  1. Here is a simple reality, folks: Life in America is now forever changed from what you knew.

    There is only one way this ends.

    Liberty or Death.

    Americans have been here before.


  2. Here is proof that they are nowhere near finished: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/02/how-the-gun-control-movement-got-smart/272934/

  3. they have only begun to move. they are buying airtime, sponsoring "special reports", and broadcasting "national conversations" which are neither national nor conversations but pure propaganda. they are just getting started. the bright side is this gives us more time to get ready. don't delay stocking long term food. an army travels on its feet but fights on its stomach. a leader knows tactics, a great leader knows logistics as well.


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