Be it ever so humble - I'm home.
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. I had no idea Facebook would give away my secret. ;)

Mags shipped from Tulsa were simply dropped in USPS Priority Tyveks - give me some feedback about how they arrive, please. Any chips, cracks, torn bags that USPS had to repair with tape? Let me know and we'll take care of you if there were any issues. They
shouldn't have any issues. For those of you who ordered 12 or more, they shipped in boxes. Another batch shipped this morning from Virginia. They are going fast, as expected. I'm going to leave the 3-per-order minimum for now, but I may bump it to 5/per shortly. I want to get these out the door and into your gear lockers so I can move on to other issues. btw - all shirts and sweats will ship this week, and I am putting a link on the right column for the brand new III Arms shirts - they are in my shop right now. Order and they ship this week (no waiting for printing). I ordered only XL and 2XL. Actually - I'll put a PayPal button on the bottom of this post, too. The guys at RevCon did a brilliant job for us - they worked on a deadline that was nearly impossible and got it done. They are now the Official IIIGear shirt printer, and they deserve it because they did good work with great customer service. KA-BARs (the 1245 Tanto replacements for the discontinued 1265s) are shipping to CADD tomorrow for engraving, then out to you. (They came into the shop while I was on the road) Our latest re-order of patches still hasn't arrived, but it should be here any day. (They
should have been here in time for the show)

The show in Tulsa was a success. We met a Citadel couple, also firearms manufacturers. How cool is that!? Consider the odds in a country of 315 millions that we meet a Citadel couple at a show we did not advertise in advance. And they are awesome people - if we can fill our community with people like these folks, we'll all live out our lives without
ever complaining about any of our neighbors. More than a few people knew who we were (Miller, anyway) and the Citadel earned the interest of at least a few new people.
The best part about the show for me was that I was able to spend considerable time with Miller, picking his brain, watching him work, and knowing
he's got this. We were able to talk in-depth about the Citadel and all aspects thereof. There is a LOT happening behind the scenes on several levels at the moment. There is media activity. There is Idaho activity. And there is BIG III Arms activity. And there is more. I'm not trying to tease, much of it is simply not matured sufficiently for public disclosure - but I give you my word that very, very BIG details are evolving. Holly is working on a Founders email for later this week.
I'm proud of the little newspaper we produced - a simple 2 page (front and back) broadsheet that Holly and I threw together with an eye toward Jefferson's National Gazette. I'll pdf it and turn it into a little flip format in the next day or so everyone can see it. We had a very smart, very pretty lass helping pass them out and they were well-received.
The post below this one - no, it was not merely a mood. I'll evolve it in a separate post. Playtime and contemplation-time is over and it is time for everyone to either lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. America needs her Patriots, right now. More on this later.
Shirts: (As usual, all proceeds help us continue 527 activities and with branding III Arms)
Mags arrived today. No damage to them anfd shpping package was in good shape. Thanks again Sam.
ReplyDeleteRich T
Mags arrived today. No damage to them anfd shpping package was in good shape. Thanks again Sam.
ReplyDeleteRich T