Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Facts are facts...

When I say the names Stalin, Hitler, Mao, today's Progressive apologists say something like, "Oh, they were monsters, OUR progressives-collectivists-socialists-communists aren't doing that!"

Well, Stalin didn't do it either. Until he could. Then he did.
Lenin didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Hitler didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Pol Pot didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Castro didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Che Guevera didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Mao didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Ho Chi Min didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.
Kim Jong Il didn't do it. Until he could. Then he did.

Woodrow Wilson didn't do it, because the American people threw him out of office BEFORE he could. (Trust me. It's the only reason he didn't.) He DID put people in prison for speaking out against the war or his government. Because he could.

Franklin Roosevelt didn't do it. But he did put thousands of Americans into concentration camps. Because he could.

More here from the Gunslinger.

You can't argue the facts, the logic, or the conclusions...


1 comment:

  1. And the felon-in-cheif wil try to do it as soon as he thinks he can get away with it.


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