Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Counting Down...

I will be busy and probably offline most of the day, working on III Projects with others behind the scenes.

The bubble above is the stock market.  I wrote on this the other day.  The stock market is at highs that simply do not correlate with any reality in our known Universe.  This is a bubble of a magnitude that dwarfs even the housing bubble, and it simply can not obtain in a world governed by physics and mathematics.  Simple arithmetic will demonstrate to anyone who cares to check that this path leads directly, and quickly, to Implosion.

Here's the real problem: There is no more cushion in the system to absorb this implosion when it happens.  There is no other place to shift the debt.  When the banks were exposed as financial failures in 2008 the debt shifted to sovereigns - and now that the sovereigns are failing, there is no remaining marketplace that can absorb the hit.  None.

Lead is Gold.  Food and water will be weapons of mass destruction.  If you do not have silver or gold to buy what you need to survive, if you do not have lead to defend what you have or take what you need, if you do not have liquor, tobacco or other barter items, you are going to die.

It can't happen here?

Look around.  It is happening here.  Right now.

Americans have been many generations removed from direct threats.  Our nation has so long-prospered that the average American does not understand true peril, what it means to not have a stocked grocery store, what it means to not have easily obtainable anti-biotics, what it means to have rape, murder and pillage and plunder as a part of every single day.

We are about to be reminded.

Humans are a savage species.  Americans have been lulled into a state of delusion over generations of safety and easy food and easy life.

That is nearly over, and the learning curve is going to kick some ass.

I do not know if Implosion will be this week, this month, or my original 3-18 month prediction.  Millions of clever people work every single day to push Implosion one more day into the future, driven by their own self-interests.  But there are Men who mean to be Masters using great forces to crash the system, and they will win.  The clever people are simply trying to keep the current system alive in an effort to loot as much as they can before Implosion.  So the end is the same, the only variable is when.

In the coming economy (there will always be an economy, even if the rules become a bit more realistic and ruthless) the people who prevail and prosper are those who are producers.  Do what you can now to become a manufacturer of some vital good or service that you can implement post-implosion.  Can you manufacture (and defend) food?  You win.  Can you heal the sick (even if that means you know how to grow penicillin?)  Can you produce the means of defense, such as firearms or the bullets they eat?  Can you make knives?  Can you make liquor?

Find something you can make or build and use what resources you have right now to acquire the means to produce that widget.

The economy will recover and a new form of governance will emerge.  This is the way of Man.

Personally, I intend to work to provide a safe place for my Tribe, to include as many producers as possible in that Tribe, and then to assert our strength to ensure Liberty remains alive, even if only beneath our own feet.  I think some version of 1.5 is essential - Citadel folks get the reference.  We'll have to work on fleshing that out beginning next week.

I would suggest every single person who routinely reads the III blogs should hit a gun show this weekend.  No matter how much you have, it isn't enough.  You will need more ammo than you think.  Your firearms will break and need parts.  Magazines will wear out.  You will have some stuff looted or distributed to Tribe.  You don't have enough, and the 2A industry will never return to where it was prior to Aurora.  The Marxists will never stop coming for 2A.  The Marxists in .Gov will not stop placing ammo orders that keep ammo off the market or priced too high, powder and components in short supply.  What is out there and available now is, essentially, a finite, zero-sum Universe.  Pay the money today to get what you need, because the next Sandy Hook will crash the 2A industry - it will never be able to re-supply retail shelves.  Period.

You have been warned.


1 comment:

  1. "It can't happen here?

    Look around. It is happening here. Right now".

    Even those who claim to be "awake" really need to wake the fuck up to reality. It is on, and when it gets to your neighborhood it will be like a fire-hose in the face for most. Don't be a play toy for reavers, get your shit together YESTERDAY.


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