Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, March 3, 2013

30 Round AR Mags & III Arms Stuff

Mags now offline.

Get them in your gear lockers, folks.  The next bad headline out of Washington will make these things go away for good.

We're selling in batches of 3 - so if you want six mags, you'll have to order twice.  Nine mags means you have to order 3 times.  You get it.

And Miller has some III Arms stuff available (forgings that he can't use, a few AR Lower Kits that are nearly impossible to find these days, et cetera). Here's his link.

I am updating the IIIGear.com site today - the Molon Labe tabs arrived today, so I'll be adding them, as well as updating some prices. 



  1. K,
    I have a Tac cap on order will it come with the Molon Labe label? I think I placed the order about a week maybe ten days ago.


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