Mosby has written what should be common sense, but sadly, isn't.
I commend it to you all. If it doesn't apply to you, great. But I bet you know at least a dozen people who could benefit from it - so print it out and give them hard copies.
It isn't only about militias and gun shows - it is about life.
I honestly believe there was a time when behaving as Mosby suggests was the norm, rather than the exception as it is today. I believe there was a time when if you didn't behave this way, you had a very hard time surviving in life and finding a mate, so the breeding of more stupid people was less common than today. I also believe that the core of our problem as a nation can be boiled down to those who behave as Mosby suggests, and those who do not.
When we stop tolerating people who should not be tolerated, and we stop tolerating behaviors that should not be tolerated, then we'll begin to un-fuck ourselves as a People.
JM credits his wife as the impetus for the column. Good for her.
Here's the link.
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