Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Congress doesn't understand the Constitution - Really?

You knew it.

I knew it.

And I do agree with the article that a great many people do not understand the limits placed by the Constitution.  Frighteningly though, I believe many folks in Congress do believe (because they've been taught this their entire lives from Kindergarten through Law School) that Interstate Commerce and General Welfare are license for their actions.

Here's the link.


1 comment:

  1. The problem is not that most people do not understand the Constitutional limits imposed on a Federal Government, it is that they simply do not want to understand.

    Facts that interfere in any way with the politicians' ability to buy votes at the expense of others are deemed irrelevant and are therefore completely ignored. And conversely, facts that interfere in any way with members of the "free stuff army" to receive "free stuff" at the expense of others are likewise deemed irrelevant and completely ignored.

    Alan S. Pedersen
    Fort Mill, SC


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