Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kerodin: And who'da thunk I'd be the least offensive guy in the room?

**UPDATE**  You folks know who I am.  My neighbors know me.  The Feds know me.  My local LEO knows me.  I'm self-employed, and my customers know me.  I live in the open.  I use my real name. Most people know I am a sweetheart who just shouldn't be fucked with too much.

Some people in our country are just too stupid to get the entire lesson in a single shot.  You'll remember the rhetorical question below.  Now consider this: A woman named - let's call her Dingbat in honor of Edith Bunker (though Edith Bunker is smarter and much sexier) - has an equal fascination with perversion and continued attacks on people who are otherwise minding their own business.

Here's the rhetorical question for you:  If a couple such as our Dingbat and Archie (from the rhetorical below) lived in your neighborhood and were foul human beings with what are unquestionably abnormal public displays of sexual behaviors, would you want to know who they are, where they live and, if you are a business owner who may be considering hiring them, of their potential danger to customers and neighborhood children and potential lawsuits?

I would.

I think it only prudent for a good citizen to draft a full-color, glossy flyer, completely filled with graphics and text taken from their own websites, and begin delivering to local businesses and neighbors as a matter of public safety.

I'm going to offer a link to an image posted by one of these foul human beings - it is pornographic and offensive, but illustrative of the people of whom we are discussing.  There's also a Trademark Infringement involved, but who cares at the moment.  Click here, if you wish.  But be warned. It is foul and perverted. I am not linking to their site, where it was found.  I moved it to my own site, where they'll never be able to hide from it. And remember: these are the same folks Arctic Parrot willingly calls allies.

That picture provides a fine insight to who you are, eh Dingbat?  Privacy?  You lost any expectation of privacy when you went online, twit.

Folks, wouldn't YOU want to know where these people lived, and worked (or don't work), so you could protect yourself and your family?  I think that image, among others with select text from Dingbat and Archie, will do the job. 

I'm thinking a few thousand to begin...businesses, neighbors (of course we know the proper neighborhood), maybe even a Legal Bar Association.

No need to thank me, America.  I'm just here to help keep your children safe.


We have a snert or two playing games over at the Congress site.  They think they are ultra clever by using names that even a 3rd grader would think are lame.  I'm not going to bother you with the names, the entire thing really is that insignificant.  Our Mods just delete the names and move on.

Instead, I'll offer a simple rhetorical inquiry that will make sense to a few people who know the truth.

My rhetorical questions:

I have a question for every mother and father out there: If you were a mother, even a three-time loser of a mother with a law degree (who is unemployable) with an openly gay boy child in the home (now an adult, but a child at the time), would you permit a grown man to live in your home as your "fiance" who has an open, demonstrable fascination with homosexuality?

 Really – any moms or dads out there who would let that happen?

Just wondering.

End of my rhetorical questions.



  1. They just don't know when to quit, do they?

    1. Nope. And I promised years of my attention. The coward never did pick a time or place, they scrubbed their sites, and I haven't even gotten warmed up yet.

      In just about 5 weeks real squealing will begin. ;)


  2. Hell no! In fact I once had one of these Souless wastes of human flesh eyeballing my grandson and when we made eye contact you can bet he knew I would kill him if I had to.

  3. It is a very good scale of the intelligence of these folks. a very low scale... amusing lil twerps.

  4. The picture just looked like porn. I don't think it is right to ban porn. If it doesn't affect minors i do not see the problem. Please don't tell me you are one of the many in this community who want to push Christianity on everyone. If so you don't believe in liberty. Porn doesn't hurt you. Yeah it shouldn't be in public, but online is fine. If your an adult don't go to the site if you don't want to see it. If your worried about kids seeing it well you should be monitoring them online anyway.

    1. Anon: The point you are missing is that the individuals involved are using such tactics to personally attack me.

      I don't like being attacked.

      I attack back.


  5. Sam, you need funding to send out them mailers, just let us know...I got a few $100's laying around gathering dust, just waiting to be put to good use.

  6. I saw on her blog that she can't find a good lawyering job anywhere. You gotta be a pretty fucked up lawyer if you can't find work in the area that they live in. I mean, you've got be REALLY bad.

  7. Is this about that parody blog or something much more intense and dire? I sure hope its for something a little bit more than that... From what I've read on these Patriot blogs...none of us are any saints. Really.Not one. Glass houses all the way.... If you get started on those glossy fliers for me, I could use the advertising for a calendar I want to sell on my site. :P

    1. Nah, I don't care about the parody site at all. They are just two piles of genetic garbage who continued to fuck with me when I told them to leave me alone.

      So, now I have to dedicate the next few years of my life making sure they hate me a little more each day. ;)

      You need help promoting a calendar? I'll drop by and see how I can help.


    2. OK - are you screwing with me? ;) I didn't see any calendar I could link to for you.


  8. No I really am just finishing putting a calendar together...It's a small project to help with the back to school fund. It should be up and ready to sell before the end of the year. But I'm gonna worn you it's for adults. No rainbows or dildos here...think more HOOTERS rather than HUSTLER.

    1. When it's ready let me know, I'll help you promote it.


  9. Thank you. Much appreciated.


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