Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, December 27, 2012

"Why won't you just be reasonable and surrender your 2A?!"

Yes, Patriots, this is where we are with the Marxists who want you disarmed before they begin murdering you.

Lay down your arms and you will be murdered, beaten, raped and dumped in a ditch - not necessarily in that order - by Marxists and their minions among us.

It is that simple.



  1. It's more than a little scary how quickly things are changing. With DHS recent stockpiling of ammo, ordering enough hollow point ammo to put 5 rounds in each breathing American while at the same time maneuvering to disarm the general public. How committed are these people? Well for starters, building a 1.2 billion dollar domestic spy facility, naming potential terrorist as war vets, etc.

  2. Any new gun control legislation will literally be an execution order for those who will not comply. Our representatives will be authorizing law enforcement to execute anyone who fails to obey, anyone who refuses to surrender their natural rights. They will be guilty of murder as surely as if they had put a gun to your head and pulled the trigger themselves.


  3. http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/52005

    If you aren't 'there', well, good luck to you.

    1. Jim: Do you think those interviews are legit? I've seen several of them, and they just 'feel wrong".

      Can anyone vouch for the writer?


  4. K,

    Hagmann has posted from his source a few times in the past. Can't say either way if it's good intel.

    Another guy, Dave Hodges, using different sources also posted similar scenario leaks as Hagamann's. Whether these are Psyop's or not should be questioned but if I see a plethora from different sources I do take notice and watch for some of the indicators of the plan going hot.

    They are here.


    Also, Bob Owens has a nice write up on the consequences of implementing the proposed AWB. Good read for folks.



    1. I can't get enough of those articles by Bob Owens!

      He is now one of my fav bloggers. Right up there with K and TL.

  5. I don't normally recommend any Russian sites, or blogs to American Patriots. But I'm going to recommend you read this one.


    Here's why:

    Thursday, December 27, 2012
    Americans Never Give Up Your Guns
    Americans Never Give Up Your Guns

    "These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bare arms and use deadly force to defend one's self and possessions.

  6. http://www.mat-rodina.blogspot.ru/2012/12/americans-never-give-up-your-guns.html

    Thursday, December 27, 2012
    Americans Never Give Up Your Guns

    These days, there are few few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bare arms and use deadly force to defend one's self and possessions.


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