So now you have NRA and GOA calling for expansion of Prohibited Persons via a Mental Health database.
Perhaps they will one day make the claim "We had no choice but to throw the baby under the bus to save the carriage!" And there will be some who believe it. Some will believe that this is all a political move, a counter-weight against Feinstein's AWB.
You do understand, don't you, just how elastic and subjective would be the "Rules" for qualifying or being denied 2A based on the decisions taken by a physician or ObamaCare bureaucrat? Think about the abused women that represent at least a few of the dots on the gun permit map above. How many of them were not traumatized during their abuse?! No 2A for you, poor little lady. You are now Prohibited from 2A because your ex beat you, and that beating made you a liability to society if you had 2A.
In any fight there is a proper time to side-step, and a proper time to step back.
But in this fight for 2A, now is the time to advance hard and counter. Challenge the very premise of GCA and NFA.
But advancing and countering is not in the best interests of the well-heeled Lobbyists at GOA & NRA.
Here's the link.
I don't know for sure, but that doesn't look like GOA to me, nor did a search of "Oliva," the blogger's name, turn up anything on the actual GOA website.
ReplyDeleteLarry Pratt is a man of few mistakes and this would be a giant one IMO. Bullshit indeed...I got big problems if my life rests on what others believe my mental state to be!
Jim: Here's what I found on the "About" Page: My name is Tony Oliva and I am the Director of Media Relations at Gun Owners of America.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, it may not be an 'official' GoA site.
I agree that "nuts" shouldn't have guns, but with that being said, who decides who the "nuts" are. The .gov will have you thinking vets with ptsd are "nuts". I know that would be used to disarm a whole group of well trained, patriotic Americans that would be a huge thorn in the NWO's side. They don't care about real nuts, just the ones they want to disarm. I don't think that's a GoA position, but if I find out it is, they are losing a member. Haven't been a member of Not Relevant Anymore since '96.
ReplyDeleteI was raised in a family where gun safty was always stressed, and took hunters safty at 13, and was always told guns dont kill people, people kill people! It just gets me all upset with groups out there who insist on total gun control and say that gun owners are not responsable and blood thirsty.
ReplyDeleteI do agree completely about stiffer background checks and swift punishment for people who shouldnt be in possesion of any firearm people with domestic violence on thier recored any convicted fellon any one who has been determined to be mentally incompent.
as citizens of the united states and law abiding I think we need to stand up and tell Obomma and all anti gun groups No we will not let you take away our second amendment rights the reson why we have the second amendment is to defend our self aginst a goverment that is a therat to our freedom and wants to take our freedoms away it will start by the obomma admistration by imposing complete gun control,what next take our freedom of speech, then demand that all properties we own should be truned over to the state? Sounds like nazisum and communisium to me.
I am so sick of honest hard working people who are responsable gun owners punished for someone who has no right having a gun and then murding 20 oddd people it not our fault its the leagel system who let this person fly under the radar.