Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, November 26, 2012

Training the Love of your life...

...ain't what you may think.

As Mrs. Kerodin advances in her CQB training with me, I've had to try and figure out why I wake up more sore than does she.  I think I figured it out.  It isn't simply because I am now 45 and have abused my body for nearly my entire adult life.

The blue trainer in the picture above is what she derisively calls her "Malibu Barbie" training knife.  She's not happy that she doesn't get to use live blades yet.  I swear folks, I think she is determined to prove that a blue trainer can, indeed, penetrate my belly and reach my backbone. 

What I have found is that as she improves and throws a good counter, forcing me to defend, whether empty-hand or with her Barbie knife, or closes the gap as she takes my knee and steps on it at painful angles, I end up taking the hit or wrapping her up in a way that I would never do in real life, even on a dojo mat.   I have trained wives before (not my own, of course) and if the lass throws a good counter I would never hesitate to turn her energy and bounce her off a wall or hit her with her own elbow.

But I can't do that with my own wife, I've found. 

So, I end up defending myself and then trying to catch her or break her fall before she hits the wall.  Or, I just let her connect.

As a training methodology, I have to say it's not the best for the trainer.  ;)

Guys, make sure your wife can defend herself.  That is your responsibility.  I know I can teach my wife better and faster than any dojo, but I can't say I'll necessarily live through it.  I think I may have to get her trained up to a certain level, then send her into a Krav class, for my own health. 

Tonight I think I'm going to turn her loose on a few breakfalls.  If I can't type tomorrow, it's because I threw my body under her to break her fall. 

Love hurts.



  1. Been there, done that. Oh the 'pain' of love. :)

    With my lass when I was first showing her to use a sword, I had to insist, repeatedly, that no honey it's not really necessary to skewer me on a few feet of steel.

    And when I was training her, I was quite reluctant to be as aggressive as I should have been, and many times when I could have riposted and nailed her one, I didn't. Plus, bruises on women are always seen in today's society to be signs of 'abuse'. And that just leads to all kinds of unwanted attention.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep - great little throwers, too.


    2. My first Hibben knife was one of the original wire wrapped V-42s. I about cried when it was stolen.

      Thankfully, they still make them. Cheap too. http://www2.knifecenter.com/item/UCGH0751/Gil-Hibben-Hibben-Silver-Shadow-II-4-18-inch-Blade-Wire-Wrap-Handle

      Not bad, for $25, considering the original cost me like $150 at the time.

  3. Sam, there's just some jobs that a man needs to hire out and one of them is teaching your wife how to fight. Bad, bad idea.

  4. Do NOT let her find out about a Shocknife. I still have bad dreams about those things.

  5. ;)You're a good man Sam Kerodin.


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