Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Reality is coming

If your feelings get hurt from words on a blog, I put your odds of survival in the coming chaos at absolute zero.

I did not make the rules that govern nature, or the world, or even America.

I was born into this set of circumstances, same as you.

But I recognize the rules.  I respect the rules.

I am prepared to play by the rules - and the rules have nothing to do with your concept of "Society".

Life or Not Life

That's it.

The Universe doesn't give a whit about you or your sweet little dog or your asthmatic kid or your philosophy on anything.

Bad People care even less.  Nature will just kill you.  Bad People will rape you, enslave you, then kill you.

If *I* can hurt your feelings, life is going to fuck you up.



  1. "If *I* can hurt your feelings, life is going to fuck you up."

    Now I don't care who you are, that's some good shit right there.

    1. Damn Skippy! I could give ye a man hug right now.

      That was pure poetry in motion, brother!

      A whole novel could not have said it better than ye did so very succinctly.

  2. Damn, who'd you piss off this time, Sam?

    1. The list is long, but luckily full of irrelevant people.

  3. MARVELOUSLY stated, my friend! :D

  4. Just had to add. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F1d3QWsyk0

  5. I went through basic training in 89 in all female unit. Some chicks would get all worked up becuase a drill Sgt used a "bad" word. I would tell them you signed up up to die for your country and you are worried about being called a bad name?
    I wasn't popular then either.

  6. or maybe you're just putting a little too much self importance on your ability to impact folks feelings?

    1. Lol. Another thin skinned vulture entree.

    2. You obviously haven't been reading the comments on our various blog and forum posts.

      We are, in fact "commie, racist, anti semitic, baby eating, fascist, separatist, terrorist, tyrants who are going to enslave those who follow us" and the government is going to use a Predator drone to drop a tactical nuke on us and turn us into a radioactive dust cloud.

      OK, the baby eating part was an exaggeration, but the rest has been thrown at us. The weeping, wailing, nashing of teeth and clothes rending that goes on just from posting a link on a forum with a "check it out, see what you think" comment is also a real revelation of how closed minded and thin skinned people are.

      The great irony here is that those people who hate and ridicule this idea are the type that we wouldn't let join us if they begged, yet they somehow feel threatened by us.

      Hard times are coming and "thin skinned" equals "dead".


  7. 1. The best example that you don't have to write a lengthy dissertation to make a point.
    2. The universe also doesn't give a whit about organizing people to win the next elections.

  8. If my feelings got hurt at all the "coonery" I read on the internet, I would've returned my PC back to the store months ago. However, some things can be called out. Every once in a while....I call "bullshit". I think they may have even wrote an Amendment on that....Damn those freedoms...always getting in the way....

    Signed- The Negro Female unit.

  9. Well said. Too many butt-hurt folk in this country who can't abide the truth.


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