Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Psychotic Breaks in the Patriot Community: A rising trend?

Some of you will remember a Northern California PatCon that Kenny (WireCutter) attended, hosted by Bill Fletcher.  Kenny came back with a good report, and things seemed fine.  And then, Fletcher started showing signs of being nucking futty.  He really lost it a while ago and started berating several bloggers, recently joined with idiots from Florida and the Plains in attacks upon Patriots.

Fletcher didn't have his moment and "Step off the porch".  He needs meds.

It seems Fletcher's nutty has now peaked, as the story over at Kenny's place details.  Beware with whom you stand, folks - when a "Patriot" comes apart at the seams in a full-blown psychotic break with reality, you might get some on your shoes if you're not careful.  ;)

There are a few ticking Souls nearby, and you know it...

Link is here.



  1. Joe, one of the other Patriots that attended brought up a very good point tonight: I wonder if Bill is going to be discussing us while in custody. Something else we all need to think about when working with others.
    To rework an old phrase - What you don't know won't hurt me.

  2. The sad part about it is had he not alienated everybody, there'd be buttons up on a bunch of blogs tomorrow soliciting donations for bail and legal defenses.


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