Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, November 12, 2012


A patriotic lass has started a new blog, and we need as many as we can get.

HWA (HisWiserAngel) graciously agreed to host a Range Day for III Arms in her home town area when the company gets to the point of shipping the prototypes out for T&E, so some of you folks will get the chance to meet her in person.

Thanks, Angel, and good luck with the blog! 

She's listed on the left-hand blogroll below.

Here's her site.



  1. Well well well. It's about F'n time!
    Welcome to the Fray, but then again you were already here lurking in the shadows. Glad to see our community growing in the blogsphere.

  2. Thank you Sam. I figure the more voices we have, the harder we'll be to ignore. And I learned so much from you and the Patriots I've met, the least I can do is pass it on.

    Israel, yeah, yeah, yeah...


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