Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gilbert PD: Husband run over by wife for not voting

And that's how you do that when you face an existential threat.

Hit 'em with a Chevy. (Note: A Jeep or Honda will do in a pinch ;)

And yes, America is facing an existential threat from her own.

Here's the link.



  1. Wow, and the guy got into a political discussion with a pregnant woman? Oh well... Darwin rules apply here I suppose.

    But had she been actively trying to kill him, she'd have run him over a few more times.

    Needless to say though, that marriage is likely over. ;) One more kid to be raised in a broken family. Assuming it's not gobbled up by the state machine.

  2. Do you reckon Obama would refer to that as just a speedbump, or does that appellation apply only to dead soldiers and diplomats?

    I wonder though, is a man not voting truly that big of a problem? Maybe he realized the day of the election that the frontrunners are complete useless turds and just gave up. There's certainly enough rhetoric out there to discourage those who are isolated from others that think like them.

    I wonder if we are going to see more patriot snaps in the next few months. It's worrying.


    1. I'd say that's pretty much guaranteed. People that weren't stable to begin with, will begin dropping off like flies when it really starts getting bad. There will be a self-purging. Our artificial society of false wealth combined with our just in time supply lines, has made generations of people who feel they are entitled to have others provide such things as food, water, fuel, etc., to them. And when that's cut off for any duration... they'll snap.

  3. Hahaha! Vote Romney or die! Hahaha!


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