Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A world without Israel

Does anyone out there really believe the current attacks against Israel represent a "Disastrous failing of Foreign Policy"?

Does anyone not see the timing, the involvement of the Egyptian PM, attacks from Sinai, as a logical continuation of the "Arab Spring" and as a move by the Muslim Horde to cleanse the region?

When you see an American politician or Spin Professional worrying about how the White House will "fix" this problem, please ask yourself the premise question: Does the White House see a world without Israel as a problem?

Use this information as you will.



  1. The US and NATO are helping the Muslim Brotherhood build a Caliphate. Turkey has turned from Israel's only muslim ally to an enemy and supports the Muslim Brotherhood fighters in Syria.

    Israel is the new Poland. Being destroyed by mutual agreement between the communist One Worlders and the Nazi-derived Muslim Brotherood (MB were originally Hitler's allies in the middle east).

  2. I'm conflicted about this whole thing. My political stance tells me that we shouldn't get involved in any more foreign wars but at the same time, I have always stood for and with Israel. Maybe it has something to do with the death camps I toured while stationed in Germany, I don't know, but those people have been persecuted enough.
    I don't believe our current political regime here will help Israel who they see as the source of conflict (as they've made clear) in the middle east, although I have no doubt that Israel can defend herself and ultimately come out on top, but at what cost?

  3. I have no doubt that Israel can defend herself and ultimately come out on top

    but at what cost?

    They have no alternative but to fight to the death.

  4. The worst of it is, the bankers and arms merchants will make a bundle no matter what happens. That and the fact that basically every media outlet in the world has become more a propaganda resource than a news source. It's pretty much impossible to get a real picture of what's going on, so you can't even make an informed assessment of the situation. That's true no matter whose "side" (if any) you are on.


    1. The merchants of death always get their pound of flesh and supply both sides of every conflict. This one is no different. Heck, the Rockefellers funded Hitler at the same time they were supporting the Allies. If you look far enough back in history, you'll find it's pretty much the norm, as pathetic as that sounds.

  5. An entire nation of Patriots. A dream for us, reality for them.

  6. To reiterate, in the ghost-written book, The Audacity of Hope, the statement was published (and attributed, thereby to Obama),

    "I will stand with the Muslims should political winds shift in an ugly direction."

    He demonstrated in Benghazi that he really believes this, when he let Americans die rather than defend them against terrorist muslims.

    Israel can defend itself in a contest of conventional warfare, but if Iran or any other muslim group or state responds with nuclear weapons, it will be destroyed. I think many of us forget how small Israel is, physically. It isn't much larger than New Jersey. If one or more nuclear weapons makes it through their defenses, there won't be much left.

    The only positive outcome, if that should come to pass, is that not only will Iran also cease to exist (too bad for those Iranians who might actually be willing to coexist with Israel and the modern world), but Israel will probably also take out Mecca and Medina. If they slag the holiest shrines of Islam, three of the five "pillars" of Islam will be destroyed. Islam cannot exist without all five "pillars", since it defines itself in those terms. [The hajj, or pilgrimage will no longer be possible; Once the kaaba and the black stone is destroyed, daily prayer toward Mecca will no longer be viable; the inviolability of Allah and Mohammed as his prophet will be shown to be false, as well.]

    I would much prefer Israel continue to exist as a free state, her people kept safe and healthy. But if the muslims do succeed in taking Israel out, I think Israel will do the world a favor and either destroy Islam or at least set it back another 1000 years.

    1. And one genocide justifies another? This line of thought can only end badly for all involved.

    2. If Iran launched a nuclear weapon at Israel, Israel would be in its right to retaliate.

      They call it the Samson Option because Samson defeated the Phillistines by pulling a wall down on both himself and the Phillistines. It is simply a variant on the US policy of Mutually Assured Destruction. So far both policies have assured that nothing worse than low-intensity and proxy warfare has happened between both sides.

    3. Except that Iran doesn't HAVE nuclear weapons. So that would be something to see. Unlike Israel who has hundreds that we gave them, even though they aren't a 'declared' nuclear power. That's all out there and available by easy 'google' search.

      M.A.D. isn't a strategy. It's a tool for madmen. It's like saying if you kill a million innocents, that we'll kill another million innocents in retaliation. And this goes where... exactly?

      Every nation has a right to exist, and to fight for their survival. However, no nation has a right to commit genocide in retaliation for genocide. They then lose the high moral ground forever.

      Keep the high ground brothers. We'll need it going forward.

    4. Iran does not have a nuclear weapon YET. They admitted that they were doubling enrichment efforts recently. Syria has chemical and biological weapons which will undoubtedly fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood.

      Technology has advanced enough to enable turn-key genocide. Trains and death camps are no longer necessary. The genie cannot be put back into the bottle. The only thing that prevents the use of WMDs these days is because both sides will suffer equally.

      Whether use of strategic arms is "right" or not will be left up to future historians to debate.

  7. I have no doubt the coalition of Muslim Brotherhood in the white house (see, Iranian born Valerie Jarret) would cheer on the destruction of Isreal.

    What they dont realize is the "tenacity of the Jewish people" and how they can scrape off the top three feet of soil for farming and build domes over non-comtaminated soil after a nuke war.

    1. Yes Valerie Jarret is one of the brains behind the whole operation but the Muslim Brotherhood and various cabinet members of the administration work very closely together.

  8. As an American born Patriot - I side with Israel.


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