Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tribe and excising the diseased such as Mark D. Firestone and Carol Jane King, (Esquire)

Tribe is the word many of us choose to use to describe the people in our immediate circle of allies who will be in range and probably at our shoulders on the day America meets her Reckoning.

There is a larger sense of Tribe, Patriots joined by ideology even if separated by distance.  But your immediate Tribe is that group of men and women who will stand with you on the Green when the time comes.

I am proud to say a very serious Tribe is coalescing within this online community, a Tribe that already numbers well more than one hundred families who intend to move to a place together, live amongst one another, and swear to one another their lives, their fortunes, and their Sacred Honor.

By the time we are done our Tribe will number at least 3,500 families, all in one place.  How many people will able to bring weapons to bear?  Perhaps an average of 3 people per household?  10,000 men and women able and willing to kill and die for one another, and for Liberty.   This Tribe is already being built, is already forming strong bonds based on the singular premise of Jefferson's Rightful Liberty.  These bonds will grow stronger as the group increases in numbers, with a core as hard as diamonds.

I am a member of that Tribe, the one that will move to Idaho and build industries to support us, and build a town in which we will live together, allies in Life and Liberty.  I am already existentially committed to my Tribe.  The name of our Tribe?


Real III Patriots worthy of standing ground at the shoulder of John Parker.

Not all genuine III will go to Idaho.  But wherever you are, we are with you in spirit.  An attack upon any is an attack upon us all.  Proportional Response is folly.  These moments in History will be merciless to the weak, to the stupid, and to those who are not worthy of Life.  Bill Nye had a great post recently, and noted that "Prepping" by some "Patriots" consists of bragging about bench press numbers.  The day before he exposed the absolute hilarity of Vanderboegh first praising the Buy a Gun Day project - until he discovered who's idea it had been.  The moment Mike realized it was a Bill Nye idea and executed flawlessly by Mozart, he pulled the post.  I hope you are able to identify those who seek only to serve themselves in this thing we call the Patriot Movement.

This brings me to the title of this post, and recent events.  Mark D. Firestone (Firestone Fine Carpentry, LLC) and his female Carol Jane King, (Esquire) have connections to both of the aforementioned self-serving "Patriots", a fact conveniently ignored by so many other "Patriots" who seem to equate debating the same tired Moral High Ground argument ad nauseum, and assuming superiority complexes (whether because they suddenly think they are superior human beings because of a new pact with Christ (despite the fact that they are willing to baldly lie in public, mockingly in the face of their Lord), or superior because they declare the Constitution to be a scam from Day One) as forward motion in the fight to save Liberty.

Enter Mark D. Firestone, the physical coward who still refuses to simply state a time and place to recite his written words to my face, and Carol Jane King, his thrice divorced lawyer female who began a relentless, unwarranted, vulgar campaign against every III Patriot who supported the concept of the III Tribe pioneer project.  These two shining examples of genetic waste, who dare call themselves "Patriots", launched a vile attack against real Patriots they do not know, seeking to destroy the efforts of the III Tribe from achieving their goal of simply building Tribe and preparing strategically to prevail in the fight for Liberty.

Carol Jane King, (Esquire) sent me an email this evening, using her official "Lawyer" email address.  Am I supposed to tremble?  Genuflect?  I'm not really certain of the social protocol she expected, so I hope my snicker of absolute derision and dismissal doesn't hurt any feelings.  Her email was filled with factual errors, but I have noted that people like her do not let facts get in the way of an attack.  For instance, she calls me a hateful, intolerant, judgmental, and dishonest religious Christian.  I've told her twice now that Christian is my name, but again, facts don't get in her way.

How does Carol Jane King tie into a conversation about my Tribe?

Carol Jane King, (Esquire) chose to interject herself into our personal business, chose to ignore facts that were presented to her, chose to be vulgar, mean, and to attempt to bring economic harm and injury to more than 40 families she never met in her life, had no business relationship with, and who never asked for her guidance.  As a lawyer, she finally began to understand how she messed up.   She chose to be the typical modern American who simply can't mind her own business.  Then she went further and tried to do her damage from anonymity.


I chose to be part of this III Tribe, and you attacked my Countrymen, savagely and without concern for how you may impact their lives.  You sought to hurt them financially.  You sought to interfere with their plans to live their lives freely, at Liberty.

I will defend my Tribe.

I did not make this rule, it existed when I was born: You reap what you sow. That is God's Law, it is Nature's Law, and in many ways, it is in Man's Rule of Law.

Logging and filing the cached pages of your website, for reasons that should be obvious to a lawyer, it was learned that you are attempting to launch a new tax service legal practice.  Perhaps a PSA will help you.  Every new firm needs to advertise, and 25,000 letters of introduction of your service, with selected excerpts from your blog and various comments and emails you've written featured prominently in the mailer, delivered to every business, law firm, government agency and a healthy selection of residences in your area should be a great way to help you showcase your philosophies and business prowess to the community.  Surely when your surrounding community is permitted a full understanding of your general disposition and outlook on various topics, it should help your practice.

No need to thank me.  One of my companies has a great relationship with a direct mail firm.

But defending my Tribe will require many avenues of redress, all offered by Society.  As an attorney, you know the range of Rule of Law options available, and you have obviously figured out at least a few of the ways you messed up and will be forced to answer for yourself.  I am certain a few will surprise even you.  But don't worry, we'll probably bring them online one or two at a time so you don't get overwhelmed.

It will take years.

This post has already grown too long, so I won't bother to list the myriad avenues of redress planned, some already in motion.  It won't take too long before you start receiving the proper notifications.  The wheels of the system grind slowly, but they grind mercilessly.

You attacked my Tribe.

I will protect my people with my life, my fortune, and my Sacred Honor.

By the way, I still have not received a Time & Place from your stunning bit of Beefcake. 

Why a man would be afraid to speak words he has already written eludes me, except of course for the obvious answer.

Time & Place, Mark.



  1. Remind me to never tick you off! We chose wisely in our quest for liberty. Go get 'em!!

    1. When it comes to defending you and every other member of my Tribe, I will come hard with everything I've got. ;)

      I have that email address you requested, but I need you to send me an email at Kerodin@Kerodin.com so I can forward it to you privately. (I'm on the road and don't have your personal email with me. I suck!)


  2. Ha ha! Give 'em hell Sam. Those two slime balls need their asses handed to them.

  3. I take it you're a little irritated with them.


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