Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Liberty is not Free

How serious are you about Liberty?

There is more than one vote you may cast on November 6th. 

You may vote R.  You may vote D.

Or you may vote for Liberty.  Real Liberty.  III Liberty.

20 days and counting.

You, Patriot, are the Master of your world, and how you live in this life, how your family will live in this life, is your decision.

It's on you.  It always has been.

You will stand and defend the ground beneath your feet, or you will bend knee and lick the hand that feeds you.

There are III Patriots who will stand with you, if you choose.

But we will never bend knee.

20 days...


1 comment:

  1. My knee doesn't bend so well nowadays, Sam. My backbone however is as stiff and straight as it's always been.


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