Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Just an FYI: Carol Jane King, (Esquire) has chosen to go private with her blog, and the silly dog site is also private.  They are, essentially, closed.

Mark D. Firestone (Firestone Fine Carpentry, LLC) still has not named a Time & Place, so we all know where he remains on the Manhood spectrum.

We are the III. When attacked, we will respond with everything we've got. Proportional Response is a weak Strategy.  Each of you did splendidly.

III Arms Founders and supporters of III Arms and the Citadel, and genuine Patriots, I hope you see that I have your backs.

My life, my treasure, my Sacred Honor are pledged to every single one of you.



  1. I have never doubted that K.

    I feel the same way about you and yours and the rest of our tribe.

    III to III

  2. You know he will not meet with you, K. He is not a man but a liberal in disguise - cowards all.

    We're proud to stand with you, sir.

    As Miss Violet said - III to III.

  3. I'll keep my snickering to myself.

  4. Whether I see you in Idaho or not, III to III Sam.

  5. Apologies I wasn't able to juggle the schedule to meet you and Holly. See ya at the fracas.

    III to III says it all.


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