Just something to think about: The film maker was on probation. Once you get hit with a charge, the normal rules of society simply do not apply to you any longer. This guy simply does not have 1A any longer.
Lawfare. Look it up. It is the use of law to smear and otherwise take a potential "enemy" out of play by putting him in prison and ruining his credibility.
You already grumble that you can't go a single day without committing a few felonies.
So, you know it is real.
Need more proof?
Look at the list of "Prohibited Persons" who are having their 2A Rights infringed.
It used to be only those filthy damned Felons!
Then the list grew to mental patients. Can't have whack-a-doos running around with an Uzi! But a whack-a-doo isn't just a guy or gal who has been committed to an institution, drooling on himself from thorazine and shock therapy. No, now a whack-a-doo can be just a guy on a television show about Preppers.
Ah, but then they added anyone accused of a crime to the list. Catch a charge, and LEO takes your guns.
But wait, there's more.
Get accused of Domestic Violence, guns are gone. Get convicted, guns remain gone.
Now they are pushing for anyone who has ever smoked pot to be added to the list. And those dangerous folks on the No-Fly lists, too! Just ask Schumer.
Next? Speeders and red-light runners prove they have a cavalier disregard for the law and the safety of fellow citizens! Take their guns!
Why do you think the Left and Establishment are working so hard to define "Radical Right Wing Extremists"? One day the speech of we "Radical Right Wing Extremists" will be classified as violent, and then they will have the "legal" authority to take your 2A.
The next time you hear a guy or gal is a filthy f'n criminal, I would hope you'd pay attention to more than merely the news reports and the Press Release from the Prosecutors Office. Even the outcome of the case should be highly suspect. Consider this: If you were accused of a serious charge, would you want 12 of your co-workers on the jury? How about a few teachers from your kids school? I'd be willing to bet you wouldn't even want a few of your family members on that jury.
And if you think a guilty plea is the same as guilty, I simply can't help you.
Remember when the current administration said they were working on Gun Control "under the radar"? Well, there it is...
But once a man has been hit with a case, any case, his place in "Respectable Society" is forever altered.
Think about how many "crimes" you commit every week. Now think about how easy it would be to make it look like you committed a crime...
And if you think you'll simply tell the truth to a jury and walk away, you are a very naive Soul. Can't happen to you? You poor, poor Soul.
My naivete nearly killed me. Once.
Now I know.
They should have killed me when they had the chance.
Polygonal Battlespace. You forget this reality at your peril.
Read about my latest encounter with someone who might, someday, get it: "My encounter with a hardened criminal"
ReplyDeleteIf you ask the government, we are ALL "criminals". Might as well embrace our outlawry.
Actually, I do think about this type of thing. Way to much, if I might add.
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet
The key words were 'take your guns'. Molon Labe.
ReplyDeleteMy ex wife filed a restraining order against me a few years ago when we were going through the divorce. I obeyed the law and surrendered my firearms - no choice really, she notified the Police Dept that she had filed and then gave them a list of every gun I owned. The judge eventually laughed (literally) her out of court but it took me 178 days to recover my weapons, 2 days before they would've been destroyed per departmental policy.
Never again. If they want my weapons they are going to have to physically take them from me. Good luck with that.
I agree Kenny.
DeleteI have a long story about firing one into the sky, then losing $ 25,000 in weapons because I was on probation for a DUI. Yes, I lost them all. Then some of the guns were then used to train new officers, but I'll bet most went to other LEO's homes.....
All it takes is a whispered word.... and LEO, is at your door to deny you (by force) your 2A rights. By and large those whispered words are completely false. Doesn't matter to the LEO, and as wirecutter can attest to, they mean to seize and render unusable your private property irregardless of the timeline in resolution of your case.
ReplyDeleteThankfully the judge acted quickly and prudently......
Yes, that's one judge that actually used common sense and justice instead of just trying to clear her docket.