Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Liberty Congress

I understand some are disappointed because I am shifting the date of the Liberty Congress. Fair enough.

Sorry. The groundwork simply is not ready and will not be ready by November 3rd.

I have set a date for April 13-15 in the Spring. It is open for alternatives.

Here's a reality: In months of promoting this online we've had 36 people commit to attend. For that I am grateful. In the last 2 weeks, I have had 4 people quietly write and bow out, usually for scheduling conflicts.

I was at TL's Guardians event, with CA. Three people on a corner in DC. I was at Mercer, promoted for many months as a national event with a turnout of 40 or so. That was a national call, and most of those attending were relatively local. Most PatComs had an average of 5-7 people.

In a city that has protests every single week and weekend of the year, any crowd of less than 5000 people in DC will not even make local news. Because of the message and tone with which we will deliver that message, I am willing to hit DC with 300 allies, because I can spin the Spartan PR angle. But we do not have even 10% of that number.

It would be irresponsible of me to ask people who have committed to show up here for another flop event, several are coming from the west coast. It does more damage to personal budgets than is tolerable. It does more to injure the III than to help put us on the radar.

I am not willing to do damage to the III when it is avoidable.

As III Arms and the Citadel are promoted this fall and winter we will promote the Liberty Congress as well. Help us reach critical mass, instead of allowing us to be just 30 or so Patriots standing on the steps of the Capitol.

There are thousands of people who read this blog and other Liberty blogs in our community every day. I am honest enough with myself to know when an event does not have the support of even our own. The people who are willing to come here, no matter what, are willing to take it on the chin for the thousands who won't even bother. Many of them would end up spending $1-$4 thousand dollars for the weekend - just so they could stand with 20-30 others on the steps of the Capitol.

Sorry, that is asking too much. That money can be better spent elsewhere, until we have a crowd on the steps of the Capitol large enough to warrant the expense.

I'm not interested in martyring anyone. I will continue my efforts with III Arms and the Citadel, where there is far more support. And as the Liberty Congress builds momentum along the way, great.



  1. Don't be petty Patriots.

    K is only one person. I suppose you want him to not only slay the dragons, but skin them, roast them, and cut them up into tiny pieces for you too.

    If you want the LC to happen on the original date, skip night time tv, your lunch break, and all your days off and get it done. Either bring a solution to what you percieve as a problem or stfu.

    Lovingly, Miss Violet

  2. Mr. K,

    Perhaps you should have just canceled the Liberty event that you pretty much ignored over the last 3 months. Your emphasis has been on other subjects like building firearms that well established companies, with stellar reputations, manufacture.

    You ignored what you promoted this past winter and now you snivel that not enough people commited. Hell, seems to me you didn't commit.

    You are truly a disappointment, sad to state.

    "There Are Enemies Amongst Us"

    1. Dan: Sorry you feel that way.

      Nothing has been cancelled, simply the date moved. I committed heavily, and have lost more than $2,000 on the Liberty Congress to date.

      Some people have had ALC shirts delivered that they will not be able to wear until Spring. Others have not even been delivered yet. Anyone who wants a refund, just let me know.

      Anyone who wants to leave this blog and never return because I am a failure, there's the door.


      See ya.

      I have work to do.

      And Dan, how many of the dollars made by those "Stellar gun companies" have been invested in supporting Liberty? And how many of their products have been used to gun down honest citizens? How many of those companies have US Government contracts, so their tools may be used to oppress you and me? How many of those companies would stop offering their products to Citizens tomorrow if FedGov told them to stop?

      You may be disappointed with me, and that's too bad. Sorry I let you down.


    2. The way I see it, two separate projects were presented, one with a little support, and one with more substantial support. The one with more substantial support also gained other people grabbing the rope and pulling, not just sending in an RSVP.

      In my opinion, more is to be gained by the Pioneer Project, and it appears many others feel the same as they have diverted their time and energy towards this common goal.

      In my short time in the III community, this is the only time I have seen people come together and DO.

      That said, let's continue to DO and do it right.

      And Dan, I do hope you stick around and continue to contribute even though the party got postponed and you already rented your tux :P

    3. Bill and Terry Ford and FamilySeptember 18, 2012 at 5:43 PM

      Being one of the few who committed to the Liberty Congress, I still see potential in exercising our 1st amendment rights before we have to resort to other remedies. Even our Founders listed their grievances to the world before resorting to arms. As much bravado as I see on the pages of the "freedom" movement, I am very disappointed and saddened by the support shown for this event. If this is what we have to look forward to I fear for my grandchildren. As to the postponement of the "party", so be it, I and my family will still show up and be heard. Once we are afraid to even speak, as is our God given right, all is completely lost. I sincerely hope that those of you who choose to not show, change your minds and also talk to others to get them to show also. Mr K, I I thank you for what you are at least attempting to accomplish, even thought he naysayers have nothing to offer as an alternative. Bill Ford

    4. Bill: Thank you. I agree with you 100%.

      I think by piggy-backing the Spring Liberty Conference on the marketing/PR for III Arms and the Citadel over the winter, we can generate far more interest for people to show up in DC.

      Since the marketing for III Arms will be reaching far beyond this little corner of the web, into gun shows, the NRA community and even into the Tea Party community, we have a much larger pool of potential attendees.

      What do you think about the date? I snatched April 13-15 out of the air, and someone else suggested the 4th weekend, which will have nearly 1 million people on the Mall for the celebrations. That is a LOT of people we could hand out our printed material to during the festivities.


    5. Bill and Terry Ford and FamilySeptember 19, 2012 at 1:38 PM

      The 4th would be very symbolic as well as having the advantage of the large number of people that will be there. Another day to think of is the 19th of April, itself a very symbolic day. Pick a day that everyone agrees with and we will be there. Bill

  3. Do what ya gotta do, man.
    Sad to say, you're right about turnouts at these events. We had 24 or 25 that committed to a NorCal PatCon and 4 showed up if you include the guy that hosted it.

  4. Every time I see a certain individual, he finds it necessary to rub it in my face that I missed the Mercer Patcon. While I didnt commit one way or the other, I could not go. He debates me on this on my reasons for not going as not being a good enough reason.

    I have repeatedly kicked myself in the ass for not going, but what is in the past is in the past. Everyone is always posting or stating this is what they intend to do or Liberty this or Liberty that. I have seen Patriots turn against other Patriots and for what?! Guess what Einstein Shit happens. I am sure there are people out there with 100% perfect and accurate lifestyle. HA! Not fucking possible.

    I got an idea. How about everyone that reads this blog if you are that good at planned events, then you host it. You take the trips from DC to Mercer, PA, NC, CA ID or any where on Gods creation and drum up support for something Liberty based. I was on the fence to go to DC. Why? Here is my real reason. Cause I cannot carry! Period! That's the reason in all its glory. Yeah I know I have unalienable rights granted by God, but we don't live in a God fearing country anymore and felony charges are not my cup of tea.

    Will I go in the Spring? Hell we may not even make it to the spring with all the current events that are happening around us. Who's to say we will make it till tomorrow? So let's finger point today about tomorrow right? All in all I can tell you what I do know. I have changed my attitude of what to put faith into. I got two things. My tribe that I trust with my life and III Arms Company. The crazy part about III Arms Company is that I have never met the majority of the Founders let alone Mr. Kerodin, but yet I felt compelled to take the leap of faith in this direction. So that is where my interests lie. Because if SHTF, I got my tribe. If it doesnt, then I have III Arms Company building a future for my family in Idaho.

    Know this. I along with a few others are taking the 10 hour journey south to the NC PatCon. The check is in the mail so to say and the only way I am not going is if there is a death in the family or one of the many acronyms jump starts the apocalypse. I cannot wait to see some of you face to face.


  5. Let's go to Idaho. I'll be there. Let's go to Washington. I'll be there. The only thing I was disappointed in was the fact that we didn't have 300 yet. I was working on my 'getting punched in the face' skills. =)
    And Dan, Don't be so harsh. Not every single project is going to work 100% successfully 100% of the time. Don't pull your support because a date changed. Stick-to-itiveness is vital to our long term goals.


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