Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

III Arms: Website

Take a peek, here.

Thanks Dan!



  1. Very nice. :) That is coming along nicely.
    Thank you Dan!

    Miss Violet

  2. Sigh... I already tried clicking the employment link.

  3. LOL -- I thought we were gonna wait until we had some actual content there before showing it off, K ... oh, well.

    Yeah, it's just a site shell right now, and I need to build out the Mobile version of it, too, so it looks good on phones. And content for it, if anybody's feeling all "writer-like."


    1. I know, but I couldn't wait any longer. ;)

      And it is so darned professional I felt like I was cheating others by not putting it out there.


  4. Any idea when the first ones will be for sale?

    1. Craig: No idea yet, I'm afraid. There are still many parts in motion that have to fall in place before III Arms can stamp its name on a firearm.

      But we are getting closer daily.

      The first very important step is to get the prototypes out there in the hands of III Patriots, let them run the guns, and give feedback to see if any modifications are warranted.

      I'll put out a call once Jim has the prototypes, make sure you send me a note when that time comes, and we'll make sure to get a prototype to a range in your area for a Range Day.


    2. Let me know when I can post a link to my blog.

  5. What should one do or whom should they contact if they are interested in purchasing a III AR?

    1. Anon: First, thank you!

      Our hope is to open the door for orders on Election Day/Buy a Gun Day, but the wheels of Government turn pretty slowly, so I'm not sure we'll hit that date.

      As soon as we can legally do it, we'll start taking orders and pumping out product on the other end.

      Keep watching.


    2. K, what about running a "pre-order" type of deal, like they do on video games. Pitch in $xxx to save your spot and get it before the rest of the people. This will give III Arms a little bit of capital to work with before you buy raw materials rather than pulling a loan and making it up with sales. It will also give you a production target.


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