Hi folks,
We sent Founders #6 email a while ago. Let me know if it doesn't show up in your mailbox.
We are moving forward on all fronts, most visible, some not.
As we have already seen there are many people even within the "Patriot" community who do not want III Arms to succeed. Why? Some may be professional provocateurs. Some are simply coveting. Some are simply crabs trying to prevent other crabs from escaping the basket. Some see this all as an online playground, rather than a place where serious Patriots gather for Liberty. A few sad and diseased Souls simply haven't tasted a backfist in a while.
Focus on success and the rest will take care of itself.
Remember, if you have the ability to make it to North Carolina to meet some great Patriots in about three weeks, drop Brock a note at his place, here. Good food, good people, and III Arms Prototypes will be on site!
More power to you and your venture. If I wasn't as broke as America, I'd being contributing to this innovative project. Don't let the nay sayers get you down.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure where to put this comment, but as it just entered my brain, it's going here.
ReplyDeleteWhat do we do about mail to the Citadel? We can't have a fed post office in there.
Miss Violet
My thought has been to offer the USPS a lease on a nice little spot outside the walls on the edge of Citadel property. Residents can either go to the post office and pick up the mail or decide if they want a postman within the walls.
DeleteI suspect there may be a Constitutional issue if we try to use a private contractor to pick up everyone's mail from the USPS and deliver.
Anyone have any ideas?
The individual mailbox itself is off limits to everyone but the Post Office, but everything else is fair game. Even that refers only to P.O. provided mailboxes. There is nothing that says we can't provide our own delivery service boxes inside the Citadel, if we wanted. Paying for the service would be the only question then.
DeleteActually, I was thinking of a privately run P.O. box business, myself. Plenty of those around. A centrally located facility would be easy walking distance for most residents and be simpler to implement than a house to house delivery system. They just deliver the mail to the business and I take it from there. Was thinking of combining it with a mail order service so folks could order stuff on line without having their every purchase tracked and recorded.
The Post Office can deliver trays of mail already sorted by box number so even several thousand boxes isn't as big a deal as you might think.
They are trying to reduce their workforce and have no problem with private contractors providing services.
One of my brothers, *whom,as of yesterday, I think I've turned ;)*, works for the post office and he's pretty sure it's only a matter of time that the po is going to be run by private contractors, especially if the r's have anything to do with it. So that might not be a problem.
ReplyDeleteWe could just negotiate a bank of boxes like you see in the subdivisions.
Miss Violet
That sounds great VJ.
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet