Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, September 14, 2012

Bill Nye: We Came, We Saw, He Died...

I wake up every day with a feeling of invigoration, regardless how much of the world continues to deteriorate, I understand the flow of emotions are similar to what our founders felt, we will be given a opportunity for freedom, the best part will be the fight, standing up and declaring the shackles no longer bind.

Bill gets it.

The window of opportunity will be brief.

Be ready to plunge the spear. Be patient, but be ready...

Here's the rest.



  1. Thanks for clearing up a mystery to me. For the longest time, I've thought Bill Nye was the Science Guy. Still with me?

    It puzzled me to no end to wonder why Bill Nye, The Science Guy (you've seen him on TV, skinny dude always teaching the kids science on Sat Mornings) was a Patriotic Prepper but I was taken aback at his belief in Glob Warming and other liberal crap. Weird dichotomy for a patriot lib.

    Tabs have been cleared on the issue.


  2. Another great post by Bill... BTW, I have linked to your site and some others on a recent blog venture...Hope you don't mind, no enemies here... http://tenfoottallandbulletoops.wordpress.com/

    1. I added your new site to the blogroll.

      Good luck!



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