Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, July 2, 2012

TL: Why us?

The Liberty Movement is being driven into a corner by both sides of the political structure: by the Democrats through open hostility toward the Constitution and by the Republicans for allowing it to go on unchallenged.

Why is it our burden? Perhaps we should rethink our objectives and our methods.

The Fate of Liberty on Earth resides in the hands of a very small group of Americans alive today.

If you wait for the Bad People to come to you, Liberty will die.

If you refuse to cross the lines of Misdemeanors & Felonies, Liberty will die.

If you refuse to put your ideals, gear and body to work, on your own, Liberty will die.

If you refuse to make your AO safe for Liberty, it is already dead.

Here's TL's piece.



  1. From the piece:

    "The Liberty Movement is being driven into a corner by both sides of the political structure: by the Democrats through open hostility toward the Constitution and by the Republicans for allowing it to go on unchallenged.

    Why is it our burden?"

    Elementary. 00:35 to 00:48 at the link.



    1. ...pretty much.

      BTW, good link to point out the situation.

      Miss Violet


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