Patriots: Are you going to tell me you can not find $250, $500, or a few thousand bucks to help build our own gun & ammo factory, and Citadel of safe haven, so that when SCOTUS "rules" that We the People must Constitutionally lay down our arms and head for the cattle-cars, we have little choice but to comply?
Is your best plan really to meet the stack at your front door, or bug out with the family into the woods?
We need about $7 grand to hit our bare minimum, folks. More is better.
This is our fucking country. Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness. Rule of Law. All Men are Equal. Americans bend knee and grovel to NO FUCKING MAN ALIVE!'
The America they intend to impose is your Death Sentence, and your children will be in the same ditch.
The Enemies of Liberty have a Plan. Their Plan to kill you in your home, and it is better than your current Plan.
Help us make a few million firearms to make Mister Jefferson proud, and to keep Liberty and our families alive. Help us build a thriving and secure town with thousands of Patriots (and not one single Liberal) standing at your shoulder and your back with a battle rifle and a Molon Labe attitude.
Playtime is over. The Supreme Court is about to unleash hell, despite Heller and MacDonald.
Here's a better plan: Send the III Arms Company a contribution so we can tell them all to fuck off.
We'll say it politely, once.
The second time gets ugly. All men die. I'll die on my feet, protecting Liberty and the Patriots who choose to live among us.
Patriots, I beg you, get your check book and help us answer tyrants in the language they understand.
Here is Scalia's treason.
Make your check to: III Arms Company
Mail it to:
III Arms Company
105 Meem Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Send me an email at Kerodin@Kerodin.com and let me know please how much is coming and when. When we get all the legal stuff done, you'll get a nifty Member Package in the mail.
I don't know if you have seen this, but it looks like Idaho is looking for gun manufacturers to come there.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link.
Anon: Thank you for the link, I should have mentioned this earlier. The State of Idaho and several cities have agencies set up to actually solicit gun business.
DeleteI am already in touch with them, found them to be VERY helpful and willing to break their backs to get us there, even if we are small scale to being.
We have partners at the State and Local levels, folks.
It can't get much better than that!
I read some articles about this earlier, we have alot going for us in this endeavor.
DeleteCheck your email, I am in.
ReplyDelete"In America, freedom and justice have always come from the soap box, the ballot box, the jury
ReplyDeletebox, and when that fails, the cartridge box."
Steve Symms, US Senator from Idaho, 1990
Gotta love Idaho. :-)