Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, July 12, 2012

LEO: Show me your Papers! How far are you willing to go?

Two stories from InfoWars showcase citizens who refuse to comply with LEO in a checkpoint and a demand for ID.

The guy who refused to present ID ended up tased.

So, folks, where are you on the response spectrum? If you were approached by LEO and they demanded ID, have you taken the decision yet that you will not comply? Have you decided if you will allow yourself to be tased or frisked? Have you decided if you will clear leather?

If you are willing to defend your 4A by clearing leather, do you plan to shoot & scoot and hope you don't get caught, or are you going to wait for their back-up and then take your chances in court?

Obviously if you are exercising 2A without permission, you have a real problem, because they will hit you with gun charges, which are almost certain to get you time. Clearing leather, or do you plan to merely make your 2A argument in court?

If you are on the road and run into a checkpoint that will reveal your Right Wing Extremist Terroristic proclivities, will you take your chances? Turn & run? Open fire when it is your turn in line? Backtrack, then Flank & Spank (TM)?

Someone will have to be the idiot...

InfoWars: ID story here.

InfoWars: Checkpoint story here.



  1. Mr. K,

    Go here: Checkpointusa.org for some interesting information.

    "Am I being detained ?"


  2. Mr. K,

    "Someone will have to be the idiot".

    Perhaps it would be more respectful, more liberty-minded to the man who stands up to tyranny, than to refer to a man as a "idiot" ?

    Any man who stands up to scum, to .gov with violence will be reviled, scorned, demeanened, M-F'ed on blogs and in the print and electronic media.

    When one has to equate action as a Patriot as to being an "idiot", it's no wonder no one man has stood up only to be refered to as "idiot".

    No disrespect to you Mr. K but I would dispense with the "Someone....idiot" phrase. Perhaps the phrase "Someone has to be the Patriot" would be more in keeping with the III movement, than the demeaning referral to one standing up for his rights, as an idiot ?

    Psyops Mr. K.....Psyops.


    1. You're right, Dan. I was being flippant where not appropriate.

      How about: Someone needs to be John Parker for future use?


    2. Mr. K,

      I knew you could develop a good phrase. John Parker is good. He is historical and a good, meaningful example of which a Patriot should emulate.

      BTW....haven't read any replies from those I consider DHS scum.

      DAN III

  3. You're sending me to my dark place again.

  4. Flank and spank sounds good to a idiot...

  5. I would only hope I could hold as much reserve as Mr. Anderson did in the video. I hope my adrenaline does not take over and I stumble over my words or actions. That would be the true test, at least for me personally. He stayed calm, cool and collective and I would like to think I could do the same.



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