I am very proud to stand with you all, folks.
Just (7) 1 ounce Gold Eagles gets us there.
Just seven Patriots kicking in $1K each, gets us there.
Just 2 Patriots offering $3,500 each...
Where does it get us?
It gets us our prototypes. It gets us our business infrastructure. It gets us one tiny step away from production across the nation of 1911 III Pistols we can all be proud for bearing our name. It gets us featured in every national gun magazine on the shelf. It gets us mentioned on many, many gun blogs when we invite them to the range to run a few mags through a US 1911, made by US Patriots, on American soil, to defend Liberty.
It gets us one step closer to the ability for us all to live in a city that does not have one single Liberal, one single government puke, one single nosey neighbor.
It gets us one step closer to Liberty.
And we do it without hurting a single soul.
We do it by building something constructive and lasting.
There is nobility in what we are doing, and we need just a bit more help, Patriots.
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