The response for the magazine concept has been very positive, I'm pleased to say.
Holly and I have considerable experience publishing magazines and newspapers, so let me set some expectations for you. First, print is a dying medium, though for certain niche communities (guns/hunting/politics among them) it still has some life.
The primary purpose of the magazine in its opening phase is to serve as an introduction to potential allies. We'll include stories and essays about the III, prepping, a few gun reviews relevant to SHTF, an overview of our political platform, and an invitation to NRA and Tea Party folks to consider standing with us.
I'd like to get a few advertisers to help offset expenses - printing a quality magazine is not cheap. The first issue will serve for at least 3 months (unless it is a raging success) and will have relatively few pages. Every additional page increases production costs big time. We'll write content that does not have an expiration date, or will become dated after the election.
While on the gun show tour we'll hand out copies as our introduction to the wider gun/Tea community.
I'll be reaching out to many of you to submit content, an essay on a topic you are familiar with and eager to write.
If you have a business that would benefit by reaching the gun show crowd, or you are a good salesman and can sell ad space to such advertisers, go for it! If we can break even regarding costs, it will be a success.
Feel free to submit thoughts, ideas, whatever.
If you need content for your magazine, you are welcome to anything on my blog or my KentForLiberty.com website. Don't even bother to ask permission; if you find something that suits you, go with it.
ReplyDeleteAre you considering a mailing list or anything or just the gun shows? I would love to check it out.
Just let us know when and how much to send for a subscription. Look forward to it.
ReplyDeleteThere was a recent article in the Las Vegas Review Journal (newspaper)on August 28, 2013, Section B, Page 1 (1/2 a page) regarding your video put on U-TUBE showing the military facility at the closed car dealership that is located at a choke point leaving out of town (US-95 & Rancho Road). But I found another facility that is close to Craig Road & I-15. This facility is located on @ 4524 Lawrence. Just down the street from the Cannery Casino parking garage. There are military vehicles there as well and the place is crawling during the day. The back of their building butts up against NV Energy's yard. Check it out. Complete with US GOVT NO TRESPASSING SIGNS. Very close to yet another choke point leaving the Las Vegas valley.