Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

III Patriot in Politics

I know a couple of you have put yourself out there and run for office.

I know it did not go well.

I wonder how much value there would be if a III Patriot were to run for a serious elected office, in terms of putting a voice for real Liberty on the airwaves.

Personally, I think the benefit could be profound. Of course there are many variables. Whoever stepped up would be brutalized. The odds of winning aren't even worth discussing.

But you can't name one single candidate for serious office who makes a case for our unifying premise: Liberty.

I've considered it, since noone else seems willing (and I don't blame anyone for not signing up for the abuse). I mentioned it to Holly, and I had to back out of the room very, very carefully. Obviously with my baggage I am not a good choice, but in the absence of anyone else being dumb enough to sign up...

Anyway, here is an article about DC Mayor Gray that demonstrates how even someone like me could rattle cages and get MSM attention for a Liberty message, even knowing how they'd spin it all. The Mayor accepted $650k in illicit funding, is unapologetic and has no intention of standing down. With an incumbent like that, even I could score double digits. ;)

Article here.



  1. Mr.K,

    Running for office, at any level, is expensive in both time AND money. What would be your platform in DC ? Would it be that you would cut DC expenses and deny the Free Shit Army of DC their .gov handouts ? Would you campaign to eliminate DC's heineous attack on Liberty & Freedom in the form of anti-2A laws ? Would you appoint a new police chief who would support your Liberty & Freedom agenda ?

    In NOV 10, in the Kaleefornia gubernatorial race,

    former E-bay CEO, billionaire Meg Whitman, SPENT $140,000,000.00 OF HER OWN MONEY in an effort to rid Ahhhnoldland of regurgitated, recycled, former governor & Oakland mayor, leftist and collectivist extraordinaire, pothead, Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown. Whitman lost. The Free Shit Army of Kaleefornia knew to keep their freebies and to keep the illegal Mexicans & South Central American invaders invading, Moonbeam needed to be re-installed.

    Not to put a damper on your thoughts but if you are going to do this dedicate yourself NOW. Start working NOW. Start campaigning NOW.

    Just try to comprehend the reality.


    1. Dan: DC is a unique piece of property politically, given its Constitutional status.

      Remember that the value is in the campaign, not victory. I suspect Congress would dissolve the Mayor and Council before letting someone like me win. But the opportunity to campaign and get out a Liberty message is there.

      One of the biggest political issues in DC is Statehood (Home Rule), and taxation without representation. That opens several possible rhetorical arguments that will make career politicians answer uncomfortable questions in their own districts.

      Every issue of the campaign could be tied directly to the Constitution, where the same campaign in any State has to consider State Government.

      1A, 2A, 4A all have powerful arguments in DC, as does taxation.

      DC is a federal responsibility and FedGov could be called on much of their BS.


  2. Mr. K,

    It is no easy task. Should you embark on such an endeavor I will wish you well.

    Keep the community posted on your decision.


  3. Just saw this post searching IIIpolitics on the google. I frequent wirecutters blog for commentary. I'm a fledgling III%er and I am pondering a move into local politics to unseat a vocal MAIG mayor who'd see my right to self defense stripped. It certainly can be a starting point, and it may be my step of the porch type moment to rattle the cages of those stuck in the status-quo. Perhaps I can send a message that the arsenal of democracy (suburban detroit) can be a home for liberty.

    I wish you well


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